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HN522 Discussion 3 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
HN522 Discussion 3 | 2025 Custom Writing
For this week’s discussion, you will explore some of the reasons human service professionals may advocate for children and their families. You will also be discussing ethical issues that may arise when advocating for children and their families. To prepare for this discussion, please review theNational Organization for Human Services (NOHS) Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals.Please respond to the following:Explore some of the reasons behind why human service professionals may advocate for children and their families. Analyze whether or not you think enough time is devoted to advocating for this population.In your answer, justify how advocacy for children and their families is related to client self-determination.Describe a situation in which human service professionals may need to advocate for children and their families. Evaluate the steps that a human service professional may need to take to advocate specifically for the situation that you identified.Discuss two possible ethical issues a human service professional may encounter when advocating for children and their families.Examine how ethical components of advocacy relate to client self-determination.Provide an example of an ethical dilemma that human service professionals may encounter when advocating for children and their families. Outline why what you presented is an ethical dilemma and what can be done about this type of situation in the field.***FOLLOW DIRECTIONS AND ANSWER EACH BULLETIN POINT******350 WORDS MINIMUM NOT INCLUDING RESOURCES PAGE***
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help with dissertation topic assignment @ The QuAtlity | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
help with dissertation topic assignment @ The QuAtlity | 2025 Custom Writing
these were the instructions for the worksheet. read her comments on the worksheet.Topic Approval – School ReviewSignature AssignmentThis assignment has been identified as a Signature Assignment. Signature assignments serve a dual purpose: to meet the competencies in the course where the signature assignment appears and to acquire skills needed to demonstrate competencies specific to the completion of the dissertation. Learners must successfully meet the established criteria for demonstrating competence on this assignment in order to successfully complete the course (see University Policy 3.4.07 Grading). Completion of this course is a program-specific requirement. Consequently, learners must pass this course in order to remain in good academic standing (see University Policy 3.01.04 Academic Standing).InstructionsAfter reviewing the critical feedback given by your instructor in your course assignments and further developing the area of focus within the topic, incorporate these revisions into a final draft of your Topic Approval document.In the same format as your Unit 1 assignment, describe the topic by addressing each of these sections in the template.Additional RequirementsYour assignment should be prepared in APA style and also meet the following requirements:Written communication: Employ effective academic communication skills in a manner consistent with members of the counseling profession.References: All references should be no more than five years old.Format: Use current APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references. Include a title and reference page along with page numbers, headings, and running heads. Use the template provided.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.Length: Two pages or less.Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.ResourcesTopic Approval – School Review Scoring Guide.University Policy 3.04.07: Grading [PDF].University Policy 3.01.04: Academic Standing [PDF].Topic Approval Template [DOCX].APA Style and Format.Writing Feedback Tool.!! comments by instructor-Hello,Dr. Lange has reviewed your U8A1 and it is not yet approved. She provided feedback on the document and I sent it to you via the assignment area. Please review her comments against your work and make revisions accordingly. This needs to be resubmitted asap so it is a quick turn around.Please leave in her comments and highlight the changes you made using track changes. I have added an additional attempt for the assignment so please have it resubmitted no later than 6am Central Thursday morning.Thanks, Dr. J!!!! this is this week assignment for the paper (additional Pages)Signature Assignment: Topic, Background, Need, Purpose, and SignificanceSignature AssignmentThis assignment has been identified as a Signature Assignment. Signature assignments serve a dual purpose: to meet the competencies in the course where the signature assignment appears and to acquire skills needed to demonstrate competencies specific to the completion of the dissertation. Learners must successfully meet the established criteria for demonstrating competence on this assignment in order to successfully complete the course (see University Policy 3.04.07: Grading [PDF]). Completion of this course is a program-specific requirement. Consequently, learners must pass this course in order to remain in good academic standing (see University Policy 3.01.04: Academic Standing [PDF]).InstructionsFor this final assignment, in 7–10 pages, combine all sections—Topic, Background, Need, Purpose, and Significance—into one cohesive, well-written document.The submission should include the following.Topic and BackgroundIn these sections, include:The approved topic sentence.A full discussion of the topic of interest (what settings and whom it affects).A description of the literature and what is already known.A description of what issues remain to be understood.A description of the reasons this topic is of interest.A description of the general theory used to understand the topic.NeedIn this section, include:A clear articulation of how the study relates to the current literature.A discussion of the gaps (areas for further research) through a description of the findings from the research literature.An explanation of why this topic should be investigated.PurposeIn this section, include:A detailed description of how the study will add to the knowledge base.A discussion explaining how addressing the need will aid the wider community of interest.A description identifying how the study will aid an increase in the knowledge about this topic.SignificanceIn this section, include:A description of how the study will be meaningful or valuable to:The wider community who have a vested interest in the problem or need for the study.The professionals in the discipline who are interest in your need for the study.The knowledge base and theories of the discipline.An identification of how and why the study will be significant to policy, theory, or practice.Reference ListAdditionally, you should have a minimum of 30 scholarly articles, most from counseling journals, to support your work. Each reference should be noted in the body of the submission and included in the annotated bibliography.Note: Changes made to Topic and Background sections since your last submission must be indicated using highlighting or a different color font.Additional RequirementsYour assignment should be prepared in APA style and should meet the following requirements:Written communication: Employ effective academic communication skills in a manner consistent with members of the counseling profession.References: All references should be no more than five years old.Format: Use current APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references. Include a title and reference page along with page numbers, headings, and running heads.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.Length: 7–10 pages, including title and reference page.Carefully review the scoring guide to make sure you understand and are completing all requirements. Note that Distinguished grading requires performance beyond that noted in instructions.Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.ResourcesSignature Assignment: Topic, Background, Need, Purpose, and Significance Scoring Guide.University Policy 3.04.07: Grading [PDF].University Policy 3.01.04: Academic Standing [PDF].Dissertation Chapter 1 Guide [PDF].APA Style and Format.Writing Feedback Tool.
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TEST 090820 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
TEST 090820 | 2025 Custom Writing
TestIn Week 2, you are required to demonstrate your understanding of psychoanalytic theories with a Test for Understanding. Note that the Test for Understanding is designed to provide a random assortment of 20 questions for each student.To prepare for the Test for Understanding, review the assigned Learning Resources.About the Test for Understanding:The Test for Understanding has a 60-minute time limit.If your test completion time exceeds the 60-minute time limit, your Instructor will reduce your final test score by 1 point for every minute your time exceeds the limit.If you encounter technical difficulties during the Test for Understanding, or if you have questions about how an online test works, contact Student Support for more information.Once you have completed the Test for Understanding, you will be shown the correct answer for each question.Click on the Test – Week 2 link to access the Test for Understanding.Follow all instructions to complete the Test for Understanding. Please answer each question and click Submit when you have completed the Test. If you are inactive for a period of time during the test, you may be prompted to exit the Test for Understanding. Remember to carefully read the prompts provided by the Test for Understanding. For example, click “Cancel” (as in cancel the exit) to stay inside the test. If you click “OK” or “back,” you accept to exit the test. Please be mindful about staying active inside the test (i.e., how much time you spend between items) so the test does not time you out.By Day 7Complete the Test for Understanding.Submission and Grading InformationSubmit Your Test by Day 7To submit your Test:Week 2 Test
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Trauma disorders in the media and Anxiety Disorders in the Media | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Trauma disorders in the media and Anxiety Disorders in the Media | 2025 Custom Writing
I want a full note on this please
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