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Assignment for Nancy Carol | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Assignment for Nancy Carol | 2025 Custom Writing
Question 1. 1. A friend meets your cousin and thinks that he is cute. Later, she asks you what he is like. You tell her that he is warm, happy, optimistic, funny, and high achieving. According to Gordon Allport’s approach, you have described his ________ traits. (Points : 1)[removed]primary[removed]central[removed]secondary[removed]cardinal[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 2. 2. If you believe that you can perform adequately in a particular situation, Albert Bandura would say that you have a sense of self-efficacy. (Points : 1)[removed]True[removed]False[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 3. 3. A boy thinks about stealing a candy bar from the store because he is hungry. He is prevented from doing so because of the possible consequences of getting caught, so he decides to go home and eat instead. In Freud’s view, the boy’s ________, operating under the ________, led to his decision to postpone eating until he got home. (Points : 1)[removed]id; pleasure principle[removed]ego; reality principle[removed]id; conscience[removed]reality principle; pleasure principle[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 4. 4. Cognitive and social-learning theories of personality have been criticized because they (Points : 1)[removed]overlook the importance of rationality.[removed]overlook the importance of emotion.[removed]place too much emphasis on the developmental origins of personality.[removed]place too much emphasis on the impact of unconscious motivation.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 5. 5. One of your neighbors can best be described as a slob. He smells because he doesn’t bathe, he leaves every dish he owns sitting in his kitchen sink, and he just throws his garbage into the yard. The Board of Health is contemplating condemning his house. Freud would trace your neighbor’s behavior to (Points : 1)[removed]an unresolved Oedipal complex.[removed]fixation in the anal stage of development.[removed]a strong libido.[removed]his dreams.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 6. 6. The Thematic Apperception Test was developed by ________, and over the years it has proven to be a valid measure of ________. (Points : 1)[removed]Harrison Gough; normal personality[removed]Starke Hathaway; clinic psychopathology[removed]J.R. McKinley; achievement motivation[removed]Henry Murray; needs for achievement[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 7. 7. In Freud’s view, there was a continuing battle between two antagonistic parts of the personality: – the ________ – moderated by a third aspect of the self, the ________. (Points : 1)[removed]id and ego; superego[removed]superego and ego; id[removed]ego and superego; ego[removed]id and superego; ego[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 8. 8. Which of the following lists of traits could create a description of a person generated by the five-factor model of personality? (Points : 1)[removed]reserved, energetic, assertive, quiet, shy[removed]talkative, sympathetic, organized, stable, creative[removed]anxious, unstable, temperamental, contented, calm[removed]cold, quarrelsome, cruel, sympathetic, affectionate[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 9. 9. One criticism of Freud’s theory is that it uses a male model as the norm without trying to determine how females might be different. (Points : 1)[removed]True[removed]False[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 10. 10. In Freud’s theory of personality, which is the correct matching of part and principle? (Points : 1)[removed]id; reality[removed]superego; reality[removed]superego; pleasure[removed]id; pleasure[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 11. 11. A defendant on trial in the United States says that although he knows he pulled the trigger that killed the victim, he did not know that what he was doing was wrong. Under the guidelines of the McNaughton rule, could the man claim insanity? (Points : 1)[removed]Yes, because he did not know he was doing something wrong.[removed]No, because he knows that he pulled the trigger.[removed]No, because the McNaughton rule does not apply in the United States.[removed]No, because he should have been able to suppress his actions.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 12. 12. In their research with dogs that led Seligman and Maier to postulate the concept of learned helplessness, when dogs appeared rigid, listless, and distressed, they were said to be marked by ________ deficits. (Points : 1)[removed]motivational[removed]emotional[removed]cognitive[removed]behavioral[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 13. 13. When a friend speaks in front of a group, she becomes anxious and nauseated. When asked why she feels this way, she says that she is afraid to embarrass herself in front of others. The approach that best explains your friend’s responses in this situation is the ________ approach. (Points : 1)[removed]psychodynamic[removed]psychopathological[removed]cognitive[removed]sociocultural[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 14. 14. A relative confides in you that she has recently been diagnosed as suffering from periods of depression alternating with states of mania. Your relative probably has a type of (Points : 1)[removed]mood disorder.[removed]personality disorder.[removed]dissociative disorder.[removed]schizophrenia.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 15. 15. A man describes himself as someone who “shoots himself in the foot” and inevitably hinders his own goal-seeking behavior, but he is concerned that he interferes with the goals of family members as well. This man’s behavior may be validly labeled abnormal according to the (Points : 1)[removed]distress or disability criterion of abnormality.[removed]irrationality criterion of abnormality.[removed]maladaptiveness criterion of abnormality.[removed]members of his family.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 16. 16. In Aaron Beck’s theory of depression, the “paralysis of will” that is prominent in depression is thought to be most directly the result of (Points : 1)[removed]insufficient positive reinforcement.[removed]an accumulation of punishments.[removed]a negative view of the future.[removed]a loss or other major life change.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 17. 17. In many ways it is more difficult to make a psychological diagnosis than a medical one, because (Points : 1)[removed]psychological diagnoses rely on interpretations of a person’s action, whereas medical diagnoses rely on physical evidence.[removed]those who make psychological diagnoses are not as well trained as those who make medical diagnoses.[removed]those who make psychological diagnoses are not as familiar with the symptoms of mental illness as those in the medical profession.[removed]of the greater number of psychological illnesses when compared to medical illnesses.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 18. 18. All of the following disorders belong together, EXCEPT for which one? (Points : 1)[removed]panic disorder[removed]dissociative identity disorder[removed]phobic disorder[removed]obsessive-compulsive disorder[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 19. 19. With respect to the degree of prevalence of symptoms of the various anxiety disorders in the adult population, statistics show that (Points : 1)[removed]anxiety disorders are extremely rare and characteristic symptoms are experienced by few individuals.[removed]about one-quarter of the population has experienced symptoms characteristic of the various anxiety disorders.[removed]more than half of the all adults will experience symptoms of anxiety disorders in their lifetime.[removed]just about all individuals experience severe symptoms characteristic of anxiety disorders in their lifetime.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 20. 20. A student who missed a class because he was sick has photocopied some class notes, but the top of one page is missing, so he cannot find the name of the disorder. The notes concern a severe form of psychopathology in which personality seems to disintegrate, thought and perception are distorted, and emotions are blunted. The class notes must be related to ________ disorder. (Points : 1)[removed]schizophrenic[removed]personality[removed]bipolar[removed]anxiety
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Social Pschology Paper 3 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Social Pschology Paper 3 | 2025 Custom Writing
This assignment is worth up to 60 points and involves researching and writing an entry for the Webliography section of our course. The assignment references TCO 6 as is applies to a controversial topic.Your task in this assignment is to use the Internet to find an article about the social dilemma of global warming, approaching it from the perspective of a two-sided debate that has the potential to end up in a stalemate that threatens all mankind that has been described as the Tragedy of the Commons.Process:Read Myer’s (2009) on the Tragedy of the CommonsUsing the Internet locate a relevant article about global warmingCompose a summary of the contents of the article that includes the following information:A brief description of the contents of the articleA description of least two specific examples from the articleYour evaluation of how a reader could use this information (for what purposes)Prepare your article for Webliography using one of the following processes:write your descriptive text as a Word document that you copy and paste into Webliography ORtype your descriptive text straight into WebliographyTo add your entry to Webliography, use this process:click on Webliography in the gray/white bar in the blue space at the top of the course website – it is the last component on the right side of the barclick on “Add New Entry”type in the title of your entry and the URLadd your textclick on “Add Entry”Note: You cannot edit your entry once you have submitted it. If you want to change your entry simply submit the new version. Your instructor will know to grade the newest article and will disregard the earlier versionExpectations:Your entry must have a working URL that goes directly to the article and does not require drilling down (navigating) through layers of a websiteDo not use an article that triggers advertisingA Webliography entry on this subject that is sufficiently informative requires at least 200 wordsYour entry is free of spelling and grammatical errorsGrading:35 points for the informational quality of your entry20 points for clear and orderly presentation of your content5 points for freedom from spelling and grammar errors
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PSY104 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
PSY104 | 2025 Custom Writing
Importance of Theory and Research in Child DevelopmentPrior to completing this journal assignment, please read Modules 1and 2 in your textbook, view the “Endless Questions” video, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. You may want to look specifically at the interactive media tools demonstrating information on theory which are provided in the Section 1.5 (within Module 1) of the textbook.In a Journal entry of 500-1000 words, begin by reflecting on this anecdotal phrase that one might hear, “I did that with my children and it worked fine for them.” Describe your own thoughts about this statement and explain why this may be true in some cases, but not in others. You may use personal experiences or examples to support your evidence-based statements and opinions, if you wish.Then, watch the “Endless Questions” video analyzing child development research and find one additional scholarly source of your choice (see tips and a link to tutorials below) and use them to reflect on and answer the following questions:Why is it important to utilize developmental theory to explain a foundational knowledge of children’s development?What makes scholarly research different from anecdotal evidence (or personal experience) in explaining child and adolescent development? [Hint: Consider the methodology of the article you are reading.Identify and briefly describe the key points of one of the major developmental theories and why you feel that theory is applicable to child and/or adolescent development.Finally, relate the value of continued learning with a concluding reflection on why we should incorporate both personal experience and scholarly research grounded in theory to help support any statements made in this class or any other professional setting.You are required to utilize at least one additional scholarly source not from this week’s required readings (including, but not limited to, the multimedia in the recommended resources for Week One). You must cite all of your sources (including the video embedded above) in proper APA style. If you are unsure how to create an APA style reference page, please visit the Citation and Reference page on the Ashford Writing Center website. Aside from the video embedded in the prompt, you are to find one other scholarly through the Ashford Library website to help support your reflections in Part II. View this great tutorial provided by the Ashford University Library which will show you how to find scholarly articles and how to assess the scholarly quality of the resource.NOTE: As you are completing your searches in the library search engines, check the boxes in the search engines of the library for scholarly, peer-reviewed sources. This allows you to find resources that have been evaluated by a number of experts in the field and do not represent just one person’s opinion.
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Person-Situation Interaction | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Person-Situation Interaction | 2025 Custom Writing
Person-Situation InteractionThere are six ways in which a person and the situation interact to shape a person’s goals, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.These are:1. Different persons respond differently to the same situation.2. Situations choose the person.3. Persons choose the situation.4. Different situations can prime different parts of the person.5. Persons change the situation.6. Situations change the person.As part of your answer:Discuss what is meant by each of these dyads.Provide an example of how each one works.Assume you are a supervisor. How would you work within each of these situations with your employees to increase employee motivation? How would your decisions be affected by each person-situation dyad?Assume that you are an industrial/organizational consultant brought into the same office as asked to study these person-situation interactions in order to advise management how to best put them to use to increase employee motivation which research design would you use? Why is this design the best fit for this office situation?Your combined response should be at least two pages (500 words) long.Assignment 3 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsExplained each of the six person-situation dyads.20Gave an example of how each person-situation dyad works.20Described the decisional process that a supervisor would use with their employees within the context of each person-situation dyad.30Discussed which research design would be the best fit to study the person-situation interaction within an office environment and why it is the best fit.10Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total:100
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