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Cultural Competence in the Classroom | 2025
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Cultural Competence in the Classroom | 2025 Custom Writing
Ashford 3: – Week 2 – AssignmentCultural Competence in the ClassroomNikhil Goyal is a successful high school student who, like many students his age, hates school. But unlike most students his age, Nikhil wrote a speech about it and delivered it to a global audience via a TEDX Youth (2012) presentation. The central theme of the presentation is relevance and, specifically, how schools often lack relevance to the lives of their learners. The majority of Nikhil’s story focuses on Nick Perez, a boy who was marginalized in school and medicated to be able to adhere to the parameters of thought and behavior expected for participation in the school. As you view the presentation, you will learn how Nick became disillusioned by the lack of relevancy and interest in his studies and how his disenfranchisement eventually led him to drop out of school.In this assignment, you will reflect on the story of Nick Perez and analyze it based on what might have happened differently if Nick’s education targeted the learning of 21st century skills through culturally relevant learning opportunities. Additionally, you will recommend a culturally relevant learning experience that might have been able to meet Nick’s needs in high school. Review the Instructor Guidance for this week for additional information and use the Ladson-Billing (1995) resource and Chapter 4 of Wardle (2013) to define a culturally relevant learning experience; apply this framework to the creation of solutions. Then, create your formal written assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations stated below.Content ExpectationsVideo Analysis (3 points): Address the following three guiding statements:According to Nick, “I was denied the right to exist normally. My school had wasted my time until there was no time left”. Based on the information presented in the video, describe the learning experiences and cultural competencies that you believe were valued at Nick’s school. Then, using Nick’s interest in computers as a form of his cultural identity, describe cultural competencies and learning experiences that would be most applicable and interesting to Nick (think about the way that he described his life at home and at computer camp).Examine the 4C skills (a) creativity and innovation, (b) critical thinking and problem solving, and (c) communication and (d) collaboration that are presented in Learning and Innovations Skills. Determine which of these skills you perceive are most likely relevant to Nick’s current position as a programmer in an advertising firm and which of these skills you perceive are not adequately addressed in typical classroom environments today.Explain how the acquisition of learning and innovation skills through culturally relevant learning opportunities can lead to greater student success in the classroom and in the real world.Cultural Competencies References (1.5 points): Reference cultural competencies in your response to the Video Analysis guiding statements. Include examples using at least one of the following four characteristics:Awareness of one’s own cultural worldview (including biases)Knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviewsPositive attitudes and open-mindedness toward cultural differencesAbility to work successfully with others from different culturesCulturally Relevant Learning References (1.5 points): Reference culturally relevant instruction in your response to the Video Analysis guiding statements. Reflect on strategies that align with this approach and include at least one of the following nine areas:Maximizing academic success through relevant instructional experiencesAddressing cultural competence through reinforcing students’ cultural integrityInvolving students in the construction of knowledgeBuilding on students’ interests and linguistic resourcesTapping home and community resourcesUnderstanding students’ cultural knowledgeUsing interactive and constructivist teaching strategiesExamining the curriculum from multiple perspectivesPromoting critical consciousness through opportunities to challenge predominant elements of the students’ social norms21st Century Skills Framework (1 point): Reference 21st century skills in your response to the Video Analysis Questions to reflect the framework developed by the Partnership for 21st Century Learning.Written Communication ExpectationsPage Requirement (.25 points): Submit three to five pages, not including the title and reference pages.APA Formatting (.25 points): Format your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Syntax and Mechanics (.25 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.Source Requirement (.25 points): Reference at least one scholarly source in addition to the Partnership for 21st Century Learning’s Skills Framework, Ladson-Billing (1995) resource, and Chapter 4 in Wardle (2013) to provide compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment
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Write a 1,250- to 1,500-word paper comparing the main themes of the social-cognitive perspective with the humanistic perspective. | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Write a 1,250- to 1,500-word paper comparing the main themes of the social-cognitive perspective with the humanistic perspective. | 2025 Custom Writing
Write a 1,250- to 1,500-word paper comparing the main themes of the social-cognitive perspective with the humanistic perspective.Describe the main concepts involved in each perspective.Explain how the perspectives differ from one another.Identify possible limitations of each perspective.Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed resources.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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Research Development Worksheet Part I A construct is a concept, idea, or condition requiring study. The following table provides information on either a construct, scale of measurement, or justification of how the scale of measurement measures a constru | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Research Development Worksheet Part I A construct is a concept, idea, or condition requiring study. The following table provides information on either a construct, scale of measurement, or justification of how the scale of measurement measures a constru | 2025 Custom Writing
Research Development WorksheetPart IA construct is a concept, idea, or condition requiring study. The following table provides information on either a construct, scale of measurement, or justification of how the scale of measurement measures a construct. Complete the blank cells. In those rows that are missing a specific construct, look up the method of measurement and identify what construct you believe is being measured. Within the empty cells in column two, find a popular way that each construct is measured, such as a scale, questionnaire, survey, and so on. In column three, provide a justification for what is being measured. In the last row of this table, choose one construct on your own and fill in the remaining columns. All of the constructs and scales of measurement chosen can be identified using any search engine.ConstructScale/Method of MeasurementJustificationDepressionBeck Depression InventoryAnxietyInstrument measures two specific types of anxiety, state and trait anxiety, and their effects on everyday functioning.StressMeasure of diastolic and systolic blood pressureTraumaInstrument measures symptoms of distress and other symptoms that have been identified within the research literature that are commonly found in individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder.Marital SatisfactionENRICH: Marital Satisfaction ScaleAchievementWoodcock–Johnson Tests of Achievement, Third EditionIntelligenceStanford Binet Intelligence Scale, Fifth EditionPart IIChoose two constructs from the list. Develop a research question using the information you have developed (such as “How does sunlight affect depression?”).In 200 to 350 words, discuss why it is necessary to operationalize variables for the purpose of research.
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Psychology Brochure | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Psychology Brochure | 2025 Custom Writing
Neurological Research BrochureYou are working for a neurological research center, and they need additional reading material for their waiting room.Create a 2- to 3-page illustrated brochure that includes the following:The anatomy of a neuronA description of the neural impulseThe stages of neural conductionThe function of the primary neurotransmittersAn example of a physically painful experience that contrasts the neural conduction process under normal circumstances and under the influence of an opiate drugInclude two to three peer-reviewed sources.Format your brochure consistent with APA guidelines.
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