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Ethics and Moral Reasoning | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Ethics and Moral Reasoning | 2025 Custom Writing
Must be atleast 600 wordsIs it ever morally permissible to lie to someone? Describe a circumstance in which it seems that lying might make more people happy than telling the truth. Would lying be the right thing to do in that circumstance, or is it our moral duty to tell the truth, even then? Consider what Immanuel Kant would say, and explain that with reference to this week’s readings. Then, offer your own perspective. If you agree with Kant, consider and respond to an objection to his view. If you disagree with Kant, explain why. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of deontological theory as it relates to another of the theories you have encountered in this course.
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Decision-Making Models and Diverse Populations | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Decision-Making Models and Diverse Populations | 2025 Custom Writing
(4 page paper – not including cover and reference page) double space and must pass turnitin.Dimensions of diversity such as culture, race, religious orientation, sexual identity, rural/urban background, country of origin, and many others may sometimes cause ethical friction. Psychology professionals must be mindful to practice inclusively and respectfully in order to earn the trust of individuals in a diverse setting. Psychology professionals benefit from practice in applying decision-making frameworks that take some of the subjectivity out of choosing among actions.For this Assignment, review the following Case Study:An old friend proposes to hire you as a program evaluation consultant. He is applying for a discretionary grant from the state to help expand his nonprofit after-school program dedicated to fostering a drug-free community. He has poured more than a decade into getting this program up and running, and he is passionate about its mission of serving at-risk kids. “I know I can count on you to help demonstrate the good work that my team has been doing and help us get the grant,” he says.He is excited about the grant opportunity because he has seen changes in the youth who have been participating and he wants to ramp up the program to address the needs of youth all over the state. The grant application asks for data demonstrating previous success and justification for expansion.You both agree that you will need to collect survey and interview data that can evaluate the current program as well as assess the needs of the population he believes to be the target population for his program, which he describes as “low-income, minority youth.” You are concerned about the narrow scope he has in mind for the needs assessment and whether he has fully considered who the program should serve. If his goal is to serve all youth across the state who are vulnerable to the influences of drugs, then perhaps this is not the only population that should be included in the needs assessment. In addition, you want to ensure that your work reflects sensitivity to a variety of cultures. When you express your concerns to your friend, he tells you, “Don’t worry about that; other groups have other programs that take care of their needs. Besides, we are more likely to get the funding if we focus on minority kids.”The Case Study allows you to applyethics to real-life situations and demonstrate your understanding of the decision making needed to resolve such conflicts. It is rare for an ethical dilemma to involve only one issue, so you should take the time to reflect on the complications that present themselves in the situations described in the Case Study.For this week’s Assignment, review the overview of the five ethical decision-making models that can be found in the Learning Resources section.Koocher and Keith-Spiegel’s nine-step ethical decision-making modelCanadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists: The 10-step ethical decision-making processRest’s four-step ethical decision-making modelJones’s four-step intensity-contingent ethical decision-making modelFisher’s eight-step ethical decision-making modelWrite a 4-page paper (not including cover and reference page) and must pass turnitin that includes the following:An explanation of the ethical dilemmas you perceive to be involved in the Case Study.A description of what you might do in response to the dilemma. Include the following in your explanation:A step-by-step application of one of the decision-making models provided above.An explanation of the possible outcomes for each individual in the Case Study.An explanation of any benefits and limitations of the model you selected.
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LASA 2: FINAL RESEARCH PAPER THE ROLE OF INTROVERSION AND EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY TRAITS ON MARITAL BLISS Assignment 1: LASA 2: Final Project: Final Research Paper Submit your final research paper to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox by Monday, April 27, 20 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
LASA 2: FINAL RESEARCH PAPER THE ROLE OF INTROVERSION AND EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY TRAITS ON MARITAL BLISS Assignment 1: LASA 2: Final Project: Final Research Paper Submit your final research paper to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox by Monday, April 27, 20 | 2025 Custom Writing
LASA 2: FINAL RESEARCH PAPER THE ROLE OF INTROVERSION AND EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY TRAITS ON MARITAL BLISSAssignment 1: LASA 2: Final Project: Final Research PaperSubmit your final research paper to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox by Monday, April 27, 2015. It should include a cover page, abstract, intro/lit review, method section, results (simply report what statistics you propose to use), discussion section, and reference page.Your final paper should be double-spaced, 8 to 10 pages in length, and properly edited.Please use the following information to help you with each section:Cover page: Pay attention to APA style and refer to the example in your textbook.Abstract: Is written on its own page and is a very brief summary of your study. Think in terms of one sentence stating your research question, one or two sentences regarding background and what we already know about it, one or two sentences regarding your methodology (e.g., how many participants were used and how were your variables assessed), and one or two sentences about your findings.Intro/lit review: incorporate the feedback and make revisions to the introduction and literature review submitted in Week 4.Method section: incorporate the feedback and make revisions to the Method section submitted in Week 4.Results section: in one paragraph, state what statistical test would have been used and why it was chosen.Discussion section: broken down into the following paragraphs:paragraph 1: statement of your results/findings (or what you imagine might be your results).paragraph 2: what might have affected those results (i.e., threats to internal and external validity). Include flaws in your design and confounding variables.paragraph 3: implications for your findings including the significance and impact on the field as well as future research directions.Reference page: Pay attention to APA style and refer to the example in your textbook.Assignment 1 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsAbstract: Clear and concise review of most important components of the research study. Met the required word count.44Literature review: Convincing evidence is given that a thorough review of literature was completed and a variety of sources (at least 4) are appropriate and directly used to support hypothesis44Methods: Clear understanding of participants for research study20Measures or Instruments: Measures/instruments used in research study are identified and accurate.20Procedure: Procedures for research study are identified and accurate.20Ethical Issues: Presentation of possible ethical issues and solutions is clear and convincing and present APA ethical guidelines.36Results and Discussion section: Anticipated results, flaws, Implications for results, Future directions52Writing Components (20% of LASA 2 grade)Organization (16 points): Introduction, Thesis, Transitions, and Conclusion.Usage and Mechanics (16 points): Grammar, Spelling, and Sentence structure.APA Elements (24 points): Attribution, Paraphrasing, and Quotations.Style (8 points): Audience, and Word Choice.64Total:300
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NEED A++++ | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
NEED A++++ | 2025 Custom Writing
APA, Original Work, Cite Reference, ReferenceDiscuss the importance of nurturing an intimate relationship and maintaing a commitment to continue the relationship during this time frame. Address how the prime adaptive ego quality and the core pathology impact at this time. Think about the central process of person interaction and creativity to assist you with your thoughts on the topic.
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