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PSYCHOLOGY: Popular Press vs. Peer Reviewed Primary Research Article essay | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
PSYCHOLOGY: Popular Press vs. Peer Reviewed Primary Research Article essay | 2025 Custom Writing
Must guarantee an A+ on this essayRoughly three pages, typed, double-spacedCompare and contrast the writing style and potential uses of a popular press article versus a peer-reviewed primary research article that discusses a psychological phenomenon, written within the last 10 years. The articles need to address the same area of interest (for example, depression and gender, love and crying, teenage norms and ostracism etc.), but do not have to necessarily be about the same exact experiment.For this paper you must:(1) Summarize the main points and evidence found within each resource in approximately 150-250 words per summary (use your own words). If you are unable to clearly summarize the main points then this may be a sign that you should chose a different article.(2) Describe using examples at least 3 ways that the article styles are different(3) Describe using examples at least 2 ways that the articles styles are similar(4) Describe one situation where you would benefit using a popular press article, and one situation where you would be better off using a peer-reviewed research article(5) Provide in-text citations and a reference page in APA format (including DOI number for the peer-reviewed article)(6) Attach the first page of each article (which has text) to the back of your paper(7) Write a paper that is coherent, with smooth transitions between topics (no bullet points or lists)Your popular press report must come from one of the following:Psychology Today (Avoid Blogs if You Access Online)Time (Time Magazine)Newsweek (Note: Difficult to Find)Your peer-reviewed primary research article must come from one of the peer-reviewed scientific journals listed below:American Journal of PsychologyApplied Cognitive PsychologyBehavioral NeuroscienceCognitive NeuropsychologyCognitive PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyEducational PsychologistEmotionExperimental PsychologyHealth PsychologyJournal of Abnormal PsychologyJournal of Applied PsychologyJournal of Comparative PsychologyJournal of Consulting and Clinical PsychologyJournal of Counseling PsychologyJournal of Educational PsychologyJournal of Experimental Psychology: ##Journal of Mind and BehaviorJournal of Personality and Social PsychologyJournal of Personality PsychologyJournal of Social PsychologyMemoryMerrill-Palmer QuarterlyNeuroscience and Behavioral PhysiologyPersonality and Social Psychology BulletinThe European Journal of ## (## =’s any version)The Journal of Neuroscience
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Chemical Senses Paper -Psy/345 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Chemical Senses Paper -Psy/345 | 2025 Custom Writing
Write a 1,250- to 1,500-word paper that addresses the following:How do smell and taste affect each other?Which would you change to make a meal taste better?If you created the most memorable meal of your life, what sensory elements must be present to emphasize the connection between the chemical senses, emotional memories, and the brain?Describe the connection created between the chemical senses, emotional memories, and the brain.Include at least two to four peer-reviewed sources.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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psy 140 mod. 8 hw | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
psy 140 mod. 8 hw | 2025 Custom Writing
i can only pay $12 for both parts must be original work
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Research Questions for Correlational and Chi-Square Designs | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Research Questions for Correlational and Chi-Square Designs | 2025 Custom Writing
Assignment 2: Discussion: Research Questions for Correlational and Chi-Square DesignsWelcome to Week 5 Discussion Assignment. The goal this week is to review the Module 5 lecture notes on clarifying research questions for correlation and chi-square research designs, and then read and respond to the Discussion Question and to the discussion of at least 2 other students by asking questions of other students.Post a behavioral research situation that could use a Pearson coefficient research study and a chi square research study. Present the rationale for each selection. Be very specific in your presentation.Argosy Online (2015). Argosy University Module 5. Retrieved from: http://myclassroomonline.comHeiman, Gary W.. Behavioral Sciences STAT, 1e. Wadsworth, 2015. VitalBook file. Retrieved from:, Gary W.. Behavioral Sciences STAT, 1e. Wadsworth, 2015. VitalBook file. Retrieved from:
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