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Reviewing Codes of Ethics | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Reviewing Codes of Ethics | 2025 Custom Writing
For this Assignment, you will review the code of ethics from PRSA and from one other public relations or related organization (for example, the International Association of Business Communicators or the American Marketing Association). Then you will prepare a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following points:Briefly compare and contrast the two codes, highlighting the differences between them.Describe a situation that might violate one code but not the other.Consider whether there are provisions of either code that, in your opinion, need to be revised or strengthened and if so, identify the code or codes and explain your rationale and suggestion.
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Psychology-Suicide Final Project | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
Psychology-Suicide Final Project | 2025 Custom Writing
In Week 3, you conducted an annotated bibliography based on the topic you chose. For this week, you will take that information and incorporate it into a final paper.The final paper will begin with an introduction of the topic you chose, using what you learned from the course to support your writing.The next section will be the literature review. The literature review is taking what you wrote for Week 3 Project with editing to fit into the essay (i.e., paragraph) format. Remember, the article references are now moved from the top of each article to the reference page.The next section will be the conclusion. The conclusion is basically a synthesis of what you learned from the literature review on your topic. What should also be included is what you learned throughout the course as it relates to your topic.Finally, there is the reference page. Make sure to follow APA format for all references.Your paper should adhere to the following guidelines:For the main sections, it should have:A title pageAn abstract (not more than 250 words)An introduction (the introduction not to be included as a heading)A literature reviewConclusionsReferences
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The Ancients and Medievals | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
The Ancients and Medievals | 2025 Custom Writing
The Ancients and MedievalsSocratesPsychology is largely a product of Western Civilization, with strong roots tracing back to the Ancient Greeks. Roman ideas and Christian ideals still shape how we think and behave. In this unit we will consider such influences.1) Discuss the importance of the Pythagoreans and other Pre-Socratics for laying the foundations of “Western Civilization” and its longstanding belief that science is the key to a better life. 2) Discuss the advent of rational medicine in the Ancient world. 3) What impresses you most about Socrates? 4) What are the implications of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave for psychology? 5) How would you defend the thesis that Aristotle is the first psychologist? 6) Explain how Epicureanism and Stoicism could be useful to modern college students. 7) What role do you see the Christianizing of Rome having had on the history of psychology? Include both the writings of Paul and also St. Augustine in your answer. 8) Discuss some of the contributions made to science, medicine, and philosophy by Islamic scholars (e.g., why do you write with Arabic numerals, and where does Algebra come from). 9) Explain Occam’s Razor with an example.Try this for the most useful 30 minutes you will likely spend this week…Stoicism in a nutshell
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psychotherapy 3 | 2025
by adminPsychology Assignment Custom Writng
psychotherapy 3 | 2025 Custom Writing
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