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2025 200 words for each respond 1 There are multiple aspects involved with
by adminResponding 2025
200 words for each respond. 1) There are multiple aspects involved with a presentation. Selecting your target audience is a very important part of a presentation. The presentation needs to be appropriate for the audience in order for the learning to be the most effective. Deciding on a target audience for this presentation is a process, but it may be important to recognize our own personal or professional connection to our chosen audience. Ensuring that a presentation is appropriate for a stated audience might be one of the most important parts of planning a presentation. The audience has to be appropriate for the presentation in order for them to be engaged in the topic. The size of the audience is an important as well as establishing a relationship with your audience. If the audience does not know you, it might be helpful to establish a relationship with them first because this may help them become more interested in yourself as a presenter (Harvard Business Review, 2015). I am presenting my project at a volunteer fire department in my county. My husband still has a lot of connections to this department even though we are not in the district. Since he was a member there, I have been able to get to know many of the men and women overtime. I picked this location because I know many of the people there and they are a very active station with people of different backgrounds. I know that many of the men and women in this station are interested in health related topics as well as helping others. I think that they will be very engaged in my project topic and it might make them more aware of issues in the community. I know that this audience has both men and women of all ages. I felt that this was very important to me because I would have people from different backgrounds and experience levels. I plan on having a smaller group of people to present to because this will help be really engage my audience. Twenty might be a good amount of people in my audience, however, this could increase. Not only may my presentation be helpful to my audience, but it may also assist them in helping people they interact with during their fire calls. I also plan on focusing my topic on substance abuse, so mentioning signs and symptoms of overdose can be helpful, especially since these individuals see a lot of this. Selecting an audience for a presentation is challenging. It is important to build a relationship with your audience if you do not already have one. Knowing your audience is also important because this might alter how you give your presentation. I feel that my audience may be more engaged in my presentation because I already have a positive relationship with them. Since I will have a healthcare related topic for my presentation, I feel that my audience is very appropriate for this project. References Harvard Business Review. (2015). The best presentations are tailored to the audience . Retrieved from 2) The topic I have chosen is Mental health. These are diseases that affects how a person think, feel or relate to other people or to their surroundings. Many people suffer from this or knows someone that suffers from this. It mostly differs from one person to another and range from mild to severe. Unfortunately, nowadays, many people focus on other things like technology, work or schooling and do not pay much attention to their mental health or that of the people around them. Nowadays, you go to people’s homes, restaurant, playground and other places where people are supposed to be interacting with each other and all you see is people staring at their phones and not taking their time to talk to the people around them to know what they are going through mentally. There are a lot of aspects one has to consider before choosing their target audience. I have to first think about my own knowledge and opinion about mental health. Then later, consider into taking account, the age, gender, interest, education, job, family role and marital status among others of the target audience. Knowing the age, gender and educational level will help in preparing the information for presentation. Knowing their interest will also guide me in selecting the tone for the presentation. The family role or marital status will help decide if a spouse of family member needs to be present during presentation so they can learn more to assist their family member going through this health problem (Clark, 2015). I have personally experienced loss of very close friends to suicide. They were suffering from depression and all the people around them never took them serious till they actually committed suicide. I witnessed domestic violence in my house growing up, it got to a point I thought it was a normal behavior till it all stopped when the person was diagnosed with bipolar and was put on medication. Most people do not take people who have mental health problems seriously until it is too late and it starts affecting the person’s daily activities, family, work, school or even sometimes death. I learned and understood more about mental health when I became a nurse. I connect more to my target audience because we live in the same community and share the same societal values, face the same common problems and I am able to refer them to some of the resources that are available for them in the community. Clark, M. J. (2015). Population and community health nursing (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Create a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate and explain how the core determinants of health are impacting the health of your
by adminAssignment 2025
Create a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate and explain how the core determinants of health are impacting the health of your target population utilizing the picture below. Note that you should briefly review all of the determinants and then choose the ones that impact your target group to talk about in the assignment. Be sure to review the link information in the classroom on Core Determinants of Health. The target group are teenagers. Here are the core Determinants: Culture, Gender, Health Services, employment/working conditions, education and literacy, physical environments,social support networks, personal health practices and coping skills,social environments, healthy child development, biology and genetic endowment, financial and social status,
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 This paper will have three parts addressing two important pieces of legislation
by adminWeek 5 Field Activity Paper Ethics 2025
This paper will have three parts addressing two important pieces of legislation related to the right of individuals to make health care decisions for themselves. Part I The Advance Health Care Directive Locate a copy of an advanced directive (AD) that complies with the laws of the state in which you work. The organization in which you work should have a copy of an advance directive that is given to patients. If not, download your state’s Advance Directives here Complete the advance directive for yourself. Do not turn in your AD with your paper. The AD is for your personal use. In your paper, Part I: Identify where you obtained the AD and explain its compliance with state law. Conduct research (1-2 sources) to learn more about the AD in your state and explain how it works. Discuss how easy or difficult it was to complete the AD. Your comments should be specific and both objective and subjective. For example, when you state your personal feelings, you must relate them to the literature (textbook and research) that discusses this process and the difficulties that many people face when completing an advance directive. (Cite/ reference any sources you use to explore these questions, including your texts.) Part II Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Form What is a Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form ? When should this form be completed? Who can complete the form? Who needs to sign the form to make it a legal document? (Cite/reference any sources you use to explore these questions, including your texts.) Part III Tie the two first sections together by writing a summary and conclusion . This section should address: 1. the differences between an Advance Health Care Directive and the POLST, 2. the RN’s important role in assuring the patient’s right to autonomy in choosing the healthcare interventions the patient does or does not want. ____________________________________________ Use current APA format. The paper should be between 3-5 pages in length excluding the title and reference page(s). Cite and reference the course text and at least two (2) additional appropriate professional sources.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 This is a replay for a discution to another Student Do something Do somthing simply just add some other
by adminRepley To A Discussion Cristian Villarin 2025
This is a replay for a discution to another Student . Do something. Do somthing simply, just add some other imformation you can find about the topic , WITH THE RIGHT REFERENCE. thanks. here is wat the student did. Chapter 25 As a culturally and religiously sensitive nurse, how might you explain to this mother why her daughter needs blood? Being a nurse who is religiously and culturally sensitive, I would advise the mother to highly consider the well- being of her daughter understanding that the blood transfusion is being conducted to save the child’s life. Even if the mother is religiously sensitive and her beliefs are against my convictions, I would offer her a chance to explain the reason she feels that blood transfusion goes against her religious beliefs so that we can arrive at a suitable agreement. The fact that the child has lost a lot of blood from the accident is the main cause of blood transfusion. The procedure would help in replacing the blood cells lost due to excessive bleeding. These blood cells are essential for the survival of an accident patient hence it should be the first remedy. What are the ethical issues raised by the mother refusing blood products for her daughter? The ethical issues revolving around the mother’s refusal for her daughter to go through blood transfusion are based on the faith of Jehovah Witness followers. This group believes it is against the Bible to directly consume or receive blood-related products referring to the phrase in the book of Genesis and Leviticus which suggests that people should not consume the blood contained in a living creature. Their religious interpretation of these phrases differs from the rest and these believers are not supposed to accept and receive blood from other people (Klein et al., 2019). This is the main issue raised by the mother the reason she refuses any blood products to be injected into her daughter. If the mother continued to refuse to allow her daughter to receive blood products, as a provider, what would you do? The laws governing the interpretation of culture and religion in the nursing sector allow adults to make decisions concerning their health. However, parents are not fully allowed to make critical decisions for their children in case they go contrary to the beliefs and practices of nurses and doctors. In the event when the mother continues to refuse this procedure to be carried out, I would continue with it because the child’s health is solely the responsibility of a nurse. Blood transfusion is an important procedure hence it would be my mandate to saving the child’s life.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025