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2025 Type of paperEssay Any Type SubjectHealthcare Number of pages10 Format of citationHarvard Number of
by adminOrder 1334443: CASE STUDY- Long Term Condition Management 2025
Type of paperEssay (Any Type) SubjectHealthcare Number of pages10 Format of citationHarvard Number of cited resources20 Type of serviceEditing CASE STUDY- (3000 words) case study: Abdulla is 57 years old and was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes at the age of 42. Recurrent leg ulcers and vascular insufficiency have led to an amputation of his left leg below the knee following several unsuccessful surgeries. He has had a first myocardial infarction at the age of 50 and is still inconvenienced by recurring symptoms of angina requiring nitro-glycerine. Abdulla is compliant with the medication he was prescribed to take daily. He is supported by his wife. He is the owner of a small business for which he does administrative and accounting work. Please read the assessment handbook for the CASE STUDY breakdown and information to include in sections. Moodle Library search to be used for any resources also Link– Username: B00340791 Password: Yetkem96 (Capital Y then lowercase) Harvard Referencing Books Underlined
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Type of paperAssignment SubjectNursing Number of pages1 Format of citationAPA Number of cited resources2 Type
by adminOrder 1552486: Handwashing/gloving Is Appropriate In A Physical Examination And The Other Assignment Is Infantile Reflexes 2025
Type of paperAssignment SubjectNursing Number of pages1 Format of citationAPA Number of cited resources2 Type of serviceWriting The Assignment WEEK I this week due WEDNESDAY, March 13, 2019 Handwashing/or gloving 1. LIST 3 times when handwashing or gloving is appropriate in a physical examination. 2. List the 4 techniques used in physical assessment. 3. Pls provide 2 professional references in APA STYLE TO support your answers to these question. I JUST want to let you know that I had excellent ″A″ grade from previous writing you did. WEEK 2 assignment due WEEK March 20, WED INFANTILE REFLEXES 1.Post a discussion on the various infantile reflexes and at age at which they disappear. 2. same- 2 references- Thanks
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 1 minimum 4 full pages cover table appendix page or reference
by adminCommunity Health Assessment Miami 2025
1) **********minimum 4 full pages**************************** ( cover, table appendix page or reference page not included) 2)¨**********APA norms 3)********** It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign 4) **********References from the last 5 years 5) The points don’t be must copied in the work. It must be identified by numbers. For example 1. The Community is………………………….. 2. Community health status is……………………….. ______________________________________________________ Community Health Assessment / Windshield Survey Community Assessment A community health assessment (sometimes called a CHA), also known as community health needs assessment (sometimes called a CHNA), refers to a state, tribal, local, or territorial health assessment that identifies key health needs and issues through systematic, comprehensive data collection and analysis. GUIDELINES: (MIami) 1. Community description (City and population- Miami) 2. Community health status (must obtain from the department of health). 3. The role of the community as a client. 4. Healthy people 2020, lading health indictors in your community. 5. Conclusion. Also, you must present a table as an appendix page with the following topics and description; Housing Transportation Race and ethnicity Open space Service centers Religion and politics
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 You are a population health nurse visiting a 75 year old woman who lives alone in her home and
by adminOne Page Essay Due By Tomorrow 8 Pm Eastern Time 2025
You are a population health nurse visiting a 75 year old woman who lives alone in her home and was recently hospitalized for atrial fibrillation. She lost her husband less than a year ago. She is weak, is on continuous oxygen, and uses a walker since her hospitalization. She spent two weeks at a rehabilitation center prior to being discharged home. She used to be very active in her community volunteering and playing cards at the local YMCA. She can no longer drive and has an organization called “Meals on Wheels” bring her meals. She has two adult children that do not live nearby, 6 grandchildren (3 are fairly close), and 4 great-grandchildren. She states to you “I don’t know why you are bothering to see me, I’ve got nothing left and my life is miserable now”. Answer ALL the following questions: -What risk factors for depression would the nurse assess for in this patient? -What signs/symptoms might be expected to be experienced by the patient? -What questions might you ask the patient to elicit pertinent information related to depression? -Based on your assessment, would a referral to a psychiatrist be in order? Explain. -What resources would be beneficial for this patient? -How might you involve the patient’s family in the plan of care? Must be in APA and Must include at least 2 nursing journal articles from 2015-2020
Nursing Assignment Help 2025