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2025 CS SB 614 authorizes an ARNP to prescribe dispense administer or order any drug which would include controlled
by adminDB 4 Cs/sb 2025
CS/SB 614 authorizes an ARNP to prescribe, dispense, administer, or order any drug, which would include controlled substances. ARNP disciplinary sanctions are added to the bill in s. 456.072, F.S., (Section 5) to mirror a physician’s sanctions for prescribing or dispensing a controlled substance other in the course of professional practice or failing to meet practice standards. Additional acts for which discipline may be taken against an ARNP relating to practicing with controlled substances that are added to the Nurse Practice Act (Section 10) include: Presigning blank prescription forms. Prescribing a Schedule II for office use. Prescribing, dispensing, or administering an amphetamine or sympathomimetic amine drug, except for specified conditions. Prescribing, dispensing, or administering certain hormones for muscle-building or athletic performance. Promoting or advertising a pharmacy on a prescription form unless the form also states that the prescription may be filled at the pharmacy of your choice. Prescribing, dispensing, or administering drugs, including controlled substances, other than in the course of his or her professional practice. Prescribing, dispensing, or administering a controlled substance to himself or herself. Prescribing, dispensing, or administering laetrile. Dispensing a controlled substance listed in Schedule II or Schedule III in violation of the requirements for dispensing practitioners in the Pharmacy Practice Act. Promoting or advertising controlled substances. After reading the following news article Identify what issues may arise with prescriptive authority of controlled substances and how you may avoid these situations?
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Advanced Pharmacology The epidemiology of allergies is known as what happens when the immune system reacts to
by adminDiscussion Replay, Similarities Less 5%, APA 6th, 2 References 2025
Advanced Pharmacology The epidemiology of allergies is known as what happens when the immune system reacts to something that’s usually harmless. Those triggers, which doctors call “allergens,” can include pollen, mold, and animal dander, certain foods, or things that irritate your skin. Allergies are very common. At least 1 in 5 Americans has one (Nag, Samaddar, Kant & Mahanty, 2017). Pharmacoeconomic treatment drugs depend on the type of allergy. For example, steroids can help reduce inflammation in the nasal passages, lungs, and skin. Steroid use can cause a wide range of side effects and needs to be closely monitored by the doctor. Prednisone is a corticosteroid, or man-made form of the steroid that the body produces to fight illnesses and injuries. It is prescribed alone or in combination with other medication to treat severe allergic reactions and many other conditions. It is given in liquid or tablet form. Most antihistamines possess some sedative properties at some point in the dose ranges investigated. Many antihistamines have a “dose window” in which they are nonsedating, but administration at higher doses has a negative impact on cognitive and psychomotor ability. For example, the second-generation drugs loratadine and cetirizine induce negligible sedation at their prescribed clinical dose of 10 mg, yet higher doses have resulted in impairment. Patient education includes teaching the patient about symptoms, triggers, how to use the medication properly, and teach about the importance of following up with the doctor (Nag, Samaddar, Kant & Mahanty, 2017). The nurse should teach about side effects — The side effects of nasal steroids, for example, are mild and may include a slightly unpleasant smell or taste or drying of the nasal lining. In some people, nasal steroids cause irritation, crusting, and bleeding of the nasal septum, especially during the winter. You can minimize these problems by reducing the dose of your nasal steroid, applying a moisturizing nasal gel or spray to the septum before using the spray, or switching to a water-based (rather than an alcohol-based) spray. References Karl, K. (2017). Medication Allergy. Harvard Medical School Health Topics A-Z . Retrieved from Nag, D. S., Samaddar, D. P., Kant, S., & Mahanty, P. R. (2017). Clinical Information: Perianesthetic refractory anaphylactic shock with cefuroxime in a patient with history of penicillin allergy on multiple antihypertensive medications. Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology (English Edition), 67 , 217–220.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 In a five paragraph essay apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course
by adminEthics Essay 2025
In a five paragraph essay, apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course of action in the medical case of the premature twins studied in class. Apply the ethical theory to support your arguments. Not using the ethical theory results in an automatic zero. Using more than one ethical theory results in an automatic zero.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Evolution of Long Term Care Systems During the 1800s and well into the 1900s families took care of their
by adminLong Term Care 2025
Evolution of Long-Term Care Systems During the 1800s, and well into the 1900s, families took care of their own members whenever possible. Several generations lived together, with the younger generation taking care of the older and vice versa. Post 1900s, the joint family system started disintegrating. Interview at least five people of varying ages from different families to know their perspective on disintegration of joint family system. Based on your interview findings and learning from your readings, respond to the following questions: What factors led to disintegration of the joint family system? What has been the impact of this disintegration on aging people and long-term care? Did disintegration have any benefits for health service organizations? Why or why not? At the same time this shift occurred in the family structure, health care organizations were experiencing continuous changes in their operating styles. The long-term care system took some time to catch up with the changing nature of businesses. In the 1990s and early 2000s, long-term care was seen to experience several turbulent changes, particularly related to its operations, management, and structure. Research the South University Online Library and the Internet to find information on the changes in the long-term care system in the United States and respond to the following questions: How have the operations, management, and structural changes of the 1990s and early 2000s impacted the long-term care system today? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the present long-term care system in the United States? To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library . As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. Your initial posting should be addressed at 150-300 words. Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025