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2025 Bellow is the post od another student and i need a reply for that A patient who is
by adminPathophysiology Discussion Reply Maydeli Capo 2025
Bellow is the post od another student. and i need a reply for that A patient who is 4 days post–coronary artery bypass surgery reports she is having new chest pain that is “different from my angina pain.” The pain’s onset was 5 or 6 hours ago upon first waking up in the morning. The patient has a new pericardial friction rub and a low-grade fever of 100.5°F. The patient is diagnosed with acute pericarditis. Why was this patient at risk for developing pericarditis? Post cardiac surgery is a risk factor to developing acute pericarditis. Some of the symptoms of acute pericarditis include pericardial friction rub, chest pain and changes in electrocardiogram. The patient’s findings are indicative of this. Why is this patient now at risk for cardiac tamponade? The fact that this patient has an infection and inflammation predisposes to the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity thus compressing the heart and making it difficult for blood to circulate properly. Pericarditis is a risk factor for cardiac tamponade. What are the signs or symptoms that would be indicative of cardiac tamponade in this patient? What is the underlying pathophysiology of these signs and symptoms? Signs and symptoms of cardiac tamponade include chest pain, dizziness, anxiety, confusion, low blood pressure, distended neck veins, and muffled heart sounds. The underlying cause of cardiac tamponade in this patient is the pericarditis, once this is resolved then the cardiac tamponade can be also addressed.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Below is the post of another student please reply Vascular supply to the breast is
by adminPhysical Assessment Discussion Reply Danger Gonzalez 2025
Below is the post of another student please reply . Vascular supply to the breast is primarily through branches of which two arteries? Thoracoacromial artery and internal mammary artery. What is thelarche? The onset of secondary breast development. (during puberty). The upper arm drains into which area of lymph nodes? Begins in the hand and runs upwards in the axillary direction, reaching the cubital nodes. what changes occur when axillary lymph nodes are removed. Lymphedema can happen any time after lymph nodes are removed. The mother of a girl at Tanner stage 2 asks whether her daughter will start menses early. What is the correct response to give this mother? This would be a normal finding to start early. The menstrual cycle normally appears or happens during stage III. Name the three methods commonly used for ensuring palpation of the entire breast. Chest wall palpation, lymph node palpation and bimanual digital palpation. What do retractions and dimpling signify? Dimpling of the breast tissue can be a sign of a serious form of cancer known as inflammatory breast cancer. (i.e.) Carcinoma. Dimpling as a sign of breast cancer tends to occur in only one breast. If dimpling affects both breasts, the person probably does not have breast cancer. A patient who is in her first trimester of pregnancy asks you what changes she should expect in her breasts. What information and important instructions should you give to this patient? Surging hormones and a shift in breast structure mean your nipples and breasts may feel sensitive and tender from as early as three or four weeks. Describe the appearance of the breasts in postmenopausal women. Three is significant change in size and shape. Low level of estrogen makes the breast tissue to begin to become less elastic and dry. C reate a chart that compares and contrasts the following conditions: Fibrocystic disease Fibroadenoma Malignant breast tumor Name the disease of the breast that is a surface manifestation of underlying ductal carcinoma. Paget’s disease of the breast. What is the peak incidence of breast malignancy? During the premenopausal years. 4 Fibrocystic disease 5 Fibroadenoma 6 Malignant breast tumor 7 Non-cancerous condition. Occurs in breast. Breast have tendency to feel lumpy. 8 Non-cancerous condition. Occurs in breast. Results in benign tumors, usually found in younger women. (i.e.) 15-35 yrs. 9 Cancerous condition. Occurs in breast. Results in lumps in breast as well as bloody nipple discharge. Change of shape & texture of breast. Explain the kidneys’ role in fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. They help maintain electrolyte concentrations by filtering electrolytes and water from blood, returning some to the blood, and excreting any excess into the urine. Maintains balance. How soon after birth bowel sounds should be heard. 1-2 hours after birth. What is the function of the alimentary tract ? To nourish the body. Ingestion and digestion. Which organ plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins? The liver. Generate a list of relevant data to gather when assessing abdominal pain. Vital signs, location of palpation, tenderness, murphy sign, mcburney and psoas. Assessment and evaluation of present bowel sounds. How do you would assess for masses in the abdomen and how they would document such findings. Inspection, auscultation and palpation are the techniques used to locate any masses present. Patient position is supine on the examination table. Name the sign that appears as a bluish peri-umbilical discoloration and suggests intra-abdominal bleeding. Cullen’s sign. What could a single umbilical artery alert you to in a newborn? Risk of congenital malformations, especially genitourinary malformations and chromosomal anomalies. Which type of hernia is common in infants? Umbilical hernias. These hernias are common in newborns and babies younger than 6 months. Define Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). ) It causes inflammation of your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition. If a sudden onset of severe epigastric pain is continuous, unrelieved, and radiating to the groin and back, what problem should be considered? This is a classic sign of a renal calculi. MB is a 44-year-old white female patient. She is obese, with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. She admits that she does not exercise. She is being evaluated today for right upper quadrant abdominal pain. 1- Differentiate between the three types of cholecystitis. Acute cholecystitis is inflammation in the gallbladder which accompanies nausea fever and abdominal pain. Chronic cholecystitis is chronic inflammation in the gallbladder is less severe than AC, less lasting. Acute cholescystitis with formation of renal calculi stone. 2- Describe the method for palpating the gallbladder. Gently place the palpating hand below the right lower rib margin at the mid-clavicular line and ask the patient to exhale as much as possible. As the patient exhales, slowly push your hand deeper. Then ask the patient to inhale deeply. A positive Murphy sign is the sudden cessation of inspiration with pain 3- Differentiate between the common symptoms of cholecystitis pain and the associated symptoms. Severe pain in your upper right or center abdomen. Pain that spreads to your right shoulder or back. Tenderness over your abdomen when it’s touched. References Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2015). Seidels guide to physical examination (p. 351-415) St. Louis, MI: Elsevier Mosby
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Problem Identification and Description Using PICOT Format Identify and describe the problem in clear and concise
Problem Identification and Description Using PICOT Format: Identify and describe the problem in clear and concise language. Describe the significance of the evidence-based project that can be implemented in the selected setting to the nursing profession. Give a clear and explicit statement of the problem and target population as well the background of the specific problem relative to the clinic or hospital setting. *****CHG BATH IN THE HOSPITALIZED PATIENT WITH CENTRAL LINES IN THE ICU REDUCES INCIDENTS IN CLABSIS**** PICOT stands for: Population/Patient Problem: Who is your patient? Intervention: What do you plan to do for the patient? Comparison: What is the alternative to your plan? Outcome: What outcome do you seek? Time: What is the time frame? The paper should be at least three pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Discussion 5 Week 7 WEEK 7 Reflect on the role that the electoral process and
by adminWeek 7 2025
Discussion 5 – Week 7 WEEK 7 Reflect on the role that the electoral process and government plays in one’s daily work and family life. As nurses, health policy can influence both arenas of our lives. What policy issues might drive nurses to lobby Congress and/or get involved in campaign politics? What strategies might nurses use to have their voices heard? The American Nurse: **As a reminder, all questions must be answered to receive full credit for this discussion . please include your name in the title of the discussion. Also, make sure to use scholarly sources to support your discussion.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025