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2025 Wk 9 March 1 to March 8 Main post under Assignment by
by adminCRISIS WEEK 9 2025
Wk # 9: March 1 to March 8 – Main post under Assignment by Wed, March 4 at 11:59 PM EST). Students are required to post a minimum of three times per week (1 main post answering the question 100% before Wednesday at 11:59 PM EST and 2 peer responses by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST). The three posts in each individual discussion must be on separate days (same day postings / replies will not be accepted). Chapter 12 – Personal Loss Question(s): Be prepared to discuss 2 questions Discuss what is complicated grieving. Mention at least 3 clues for identifying complicated grief reaction.APA FORMAT.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 It is highly likely an individual has at least one social media account if not multiple accounts
by adminCustomer Service Module 4 Discussion 2025
It is highly likely an individual has at least one social media account, if not multiple accounts. Posting, reading, and interacting with this/these social media platform(s) is a normal daily process. Used correctly, social media can improve overall customer service and satisfaction for businesses, but it also has the opportunity to cause complications and negative images. The healthcare industry is not immune to the effects of social media. Is it appropriate for a healthcare facility to utilize social media to improve customer service? Why or why not? How should social media be used in the healthcare field? Should employees of a healthcare organization post on social media about their job? Lastly, please share your social media interactions with your healthcare practitioners/organization or discuss if you would engage with your healthcare practitioners/organization on social media.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 It is increasingly vital that health care administration leaders are aware of the world around them Through understanding and
by adminDiscussion Week 2 Part 2 2025
It is increasingly vital that health care administration leaders are aware of the world around them. Through understanding and reflecting on current events in health care administration, leaders may develop solutions to health issues and challenges on a local, regional, or national scale. For this Discussion, select a current event in the field of health care administration leadership whereby the leader used a systems thinking approach. Reflect on the leadership featured within the event and consider how the leader’s specific characteristics impacted the outcomes of the event. Additionally, think about whether the leader’s use of systems thinking might have affected event outcomes.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025
2025 Respond to each question the answers don t have to belong but please be careful with the similarity it
by adminPhysical Assessment For Health Care DQ Week 9 2025
Respond to each question. the answers don’t have to belong, but please be careful with the similarity it has to be less than 20 %. this professor is very strict about this. Chapter: 20Anus,Rectum,Prostate While you are examining a 1-year-old girl, the mother mentions how eager she is to begin toilet training her child. How should you respond? When is it best to begin toilet training? What do the rectum and anus form? Control of the external anal sphincter is gradually achieved at what age? Differentiate between internal and external hemorrhoids. You are observing an examiner take the history of a 70-year-old man as part of the musculoskeletal examination. You notice that the examiner asks the patient about exercise habits in his early years. Is this a relevant question to ask this patient? Why or why not? A young woman is concerned about a 1-cm difference in the length of her legs. What is the best response to give this patient? A 3-year-old boy has had anal itching that becomes worse at night. What do these symptoms indicate? You are assessing a pregnant woman who has had a fourth-degree perineal laceration. Why is it necessary to assess this patient’s anal sphincter function? You are about to perform a rectal examination of an older adult. What is the suggested position for this patient? What is a clue to the diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease? What do persistent, pencil-like stools suggest? Distinguish between the stool of a formula-fed baby and a breastfed baby. Create a chart or two-column list that compares the risk factors for colorectal cancer with those for prostatic cancer. What are the risk factors for colorectal cancer? What are the risk factors for prostate cancer? What symptoms are associated with BPH? JF is a 42-year-old patient who presents for an annual examination, but he complains that he has had a fever for the past few days and recently some “urinary symptoms.” 1- Describe the best method for a rectal examination during the physical assessment 2- What additional past medical history questions would you ask of JF since you suspect prostatitis? 3- During the rectal examination of JF with acute prostatitis, what findings would expect on physical examination? . A, Correct procedure for introducing finger into rectum. Press pad of finger against the anal opening. B, As external sphincter relaxes, slip the fingertip into the anal canal. Note that patient is in the hips-flexed position.
Nursing Assignment Help 2025