2023 In addition to the topic study materials use the chart you completed and questions


In addition to the topic study materials use the chart you completed and questions 2023 Assignment

In addition to the topic study materials, use the chart you completed and questions you answered in Topic 3 about “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” as the basis for your responses in this assignment.

Answer the following questions about a patient’s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview.

  1. In 200-250 words, respond to the following: Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean disrespect of a patient’s autonomy? Explain your rationale.
  2. In 400-500 words, respond to the following: How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honoring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James’s care?
  3. In 200-250 words, respond to the following: How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike to determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care?

Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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2023 Assignment Professional Development Assignments Based on what you have learned so far this week create

Nursing 2023 Professional Development

Assignment Professional Development Assignments Based on what you have learned so far this week create 2023 Assignment


Professional Development Assignments: 

Based on what you have learned so far this week, create a educational presentation with detailed notes and recorded audio comments for all content slides that addresses each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least four (4) citations throughout your presentation. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations (an example is located in the Resources tab) related to text size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements.  Use the audio recording feature with the PowerPoint. Alternatively, you may use a smartphone or tablet to record yourself speaking, should you be unable to use the audio feature within PowerPoint.

  1. Title Slide (1 slide)
  2. The various kinds of health professionals are educated in separate schools but with considerable overlap in curricula and training requirements. They are, however, expected to integrate their training and work together after graduation. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to professional education in terms of costs, educational efficiency, and patient care quality.(4 slides).
  3. An oversupply of physicians in many urban regions contrasts with continuing problems of access in rural and inner-city areas. Why does the mal-distribution of physicians persist in spite of the number of physicians graduated? (2-3 slides)
  4. The health care delivery system now places increased emphasis on maintaining wellness and on promoting disease avoidance through healthy behaviors and lifestyles. What challenges does this new orientation pose for our existing system of medical education and training? (2-3 slides)
  5. References (1 slide)

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2023 Architect Daniel Libeskind is credited with saying To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody

Nursing 2023 Academic Success And Professional Development Plan Part 4: Research Analysis

Architect Daniel Libeskind is credited with saying To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody 2023 Assignment


Architect Daniel Libeskind is credited with saying “To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history, but to articulate it.” The suggestion is that his work does not copy the efforts of others but relies on it.

Understanding the work of others is critically important to new work. Contributions to the nursing body of knowledge can happen when you are able to analyze and articulate the efforts of previous research. Research analysis skills are therefore critical tools for your toolbox.

In this Assignment, you will select one of the three listed existing research articles below;

1. The expression and receipt of compassion through touch in a health setting; a qualitative study.

2. The language of behavior changes in dementia: A mixed methods survey exploring the perspectives of people with dementia.

3. Mental workload of frontline nurses aiding in the COVID‐19 pandemic: A latent profile analysis.

You also will analyze the selected research article using a tool helpful for analysis.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources this Module’s Learning Resources in support of locating and analyzing research.
  • Use the School Library to identify and read the selected peer-reviewed research article.
  • Review the article you selected and reflect on the professional practice use of theories/concepts described by the article.

The Assignment:

Using the “Module 4 | Part 4” section of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template presented in the Resources, conduct an analysis of the elements of the research article you identified. Be sure to include the following:

  • Your topic of interest.
  • A correctly formatted APA citation of the article you selected, along with link or search details.
  • Identify a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.
  • Analysis of the article using the “Research Analysis Matrix” section of the template
  • Write a 1-paragraph justification stating whether you would recommend this article to inform professional practice.
  • Write a 2- to 3-paragraph summary that you will add to your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan that includes the following:
    • Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.
    • Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding       peer-reviewed research.
    • Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.

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2023 provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers posts by the end of the

Nursing 2023 Using health education and groups in the community

provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers posts by the end of the 2023 Assignment

provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your responses to your peers, you might offer a perceived roadblock to the individual’s ability to learn.


Peer # 1 Tamira Parker                          

1.An individual who has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer has a need for information about the stage of the cancer, treatment options, and odds of survival. This individual could use a lot of support during this rough time.

2. A family caring for an elderly individual with AD needs to learn positive coping mechanisms to deal with the family member, taking a break when they feel exhausted, and support groups. Support groups can help the patient and or family to meet other people that are going through the same exact thing.

3. A community in which adolescent cigarette smoking is on the risk adolescents need to be educated on the risks associated with smoking such as lung cancer and heart disease. If guidelines permit refer the adolescent to counseling to see if there is a possibility that smoking is secondary to another issue. Also refer adolescent to cessation programs if guidelines permit, if not discuss with parent and decide what is in the best interest of the child.


Peer #2 Samantha Pearce                           

An individual who has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. Start off by informing the patient of the different type of treatment. Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that works by boosting or activating your immune system, so it recognizes and kills cancer cells. Also, there are lots of active support groups for patients and family caregivers, so no one has to face a lung cancer diagnosis alone. Furthermore you would teach/inform the patient how to cope with these emotions by communicating with your friends and family members, expressing your thoughts in a journal and quitting smoking, eating right, staying physically active and managing your stress helps your body stay healthy.

A family caring for an elderly individual with Alzheimer’s disease. Teach the caregiver that they must understand how AD changes a person, learn how to cope with these changes. Make the home safe for the person with AD. Caregivers could also find out about helpful resources, such as websites.

A community in which adolescent cigarette smoking is on the rise. It is well known that tobacco use increases the risk for contracting a variety of diseases and health conditions, including lung, bladder, colorectal, esophageal, kidney, larynx, mouth, throat and other cancers, respiratory infections, diabetes, and coronary heart disease. A Campaign for an adolescent young girl is good to inform the public of these risks, combined with smoking legislation regulating the age of access and smoking in public places have led to a general decrease in smoking prevalence among all age groups.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Instructions Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions Please provide rationales for your answers Make sure to

Nursing 2023 Case Study 14

Instructions Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions Please provide rationales for your answers Make sure to 2023 Assignment

 Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide  rationales for your answers. Make sure to provide citations/references for your answers in APA  format.  Deadline: Due by Sunday at 23:59 p.m.  

CASE STUDY: Caregiver Role Strain: Ms. Sandra A.

  Sandra, a 47-year-old divorced woman, received a diagnosis of stage 3 ovarian cancer 4 years  ago, for which she had a total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy, omentectomy,  lymphadenectomy, and tumor debulking followed by chemotherapy, consisting of cisplatin  (Platinol), paclitaxel (Taxol), and doxorubicin (Adriamycin). She did well for 2 years and then  moved back to her hometown near her family and underwent three more rounds of second line chemotherapy. She accepted a less stressful job, bought a house, renewed old friendships,  and became more involved with her two sisters and their families. Sandra developed several complications, including metastasis to the lungs. Then she could no  longer work, drive, or care for herself. She had been told by her oncologist that there was  nothing else that could be done and that she should consider entering a hospice. She met her  attorney and prepared an advance directive and completed her will. She decided to have  hospice care at home and, with the help of her family, set up her first floor as a living and  sleeping area. She was cared for by family members around the clock for approximately 3 days. Sandra observed that she was tiring everyone out so much that they could not really enjoy each  other’s company. At this time, she contacted the Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) to seek  assistance. Her plan was to try to enjoy her family and friend’s visits. After assessment, the VNA  nurse prioritized her problems to include fatigue and caregiver role strain. Other potential  problem areas that may need to be incorporated into the care plan include anticipatory grieving  and impaired comfort.

 Reflective Questions 

1. What are some of the stresses on Sandra’s middle-aged sisters and their families? 2. What resources are available to manage these stresses and support the sisters while  caring for their dying sister Sandra? 3. Describe Sandra’s feelings about dependency and loss of autonomy because she is  unable to do her own activities of daily living any longer

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 The scope of practice describes the procedures actions and processes that a health care practitioner is permitted to

Nursing 2023 Discussion

The scope of practice describes the procedures actions and processes that a health care practitioner is permitted to 2023 Assignment

The scope of practicedescribes the procedures, actions, and processes that a health care practitioner is permitted to undertake in keeping with the terms of their professional license.

(Scope of practice – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scope of_practice)

Recommended readings:

1. Scope of practice of nurse practitioners: professional role. https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/advocacy-resource/position-statements/scope-of-practice-for-nurse-practitioners

2. State practice environment (AANP). https://www.aanp.org/advocacy/state/state-practice-environment


3. I want to take an opportunity to discuss our new granted privilege to prescribe controlled substance. There are five classes of substance considered under the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 (Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, 2019).This privilege was legally approved in Florida, the last state to grant such a privilege for midlevel practitioners, in 2017( Kellangs & Maye, 2017).  Once licensed as Florida Nurse Practitioner (NP) license, you will need 2 hours of controlled substance prescription CEUs and to apply for the DEA license.  The application cost $ 731 and it’s valid for three years. NPs are required to have a controlled substance agreement with the supervising physician.

 DEA website https://apps.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/webforms/jsp/regapps/common/newAppLogin.jsp


Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970. Retrieved on March 10, 2019 fromhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Comprehensive_Drug_Abuse_ Prevention_and_Control_Act_of_1970

Kellams, J. R., & Maye, J. P. (2017). The last state to grant nurse practitioners DEA licensure: An education improvement initiative on the Florida prescription drug monitoring program. Journal of addictions nursing, 28(3), 135-142. doi: 10.1097/JAN.0000000000000177

U.S Department of Justice and Drug Enforcement Administration. Diversion control division. Application for Registration Under Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (NewApplicants Only). Retrieved from https://apps.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/webforms/jsp/regapps/common/newAppLogin.jsp

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2023 Purpose of Assignment These case studies are real life scenarios that will help you explore the concepts of the reproductive systems

Nursing 2023 Patho Case Study Mod 6

Purpose of Assignment These case studies are real life scenarios that will help you explore the concepts of the reproductive systems 2023 Assignment

Purpose of Assignment: 

These case studies are real-life scenarios that will help you explore the concepts of the reproductive systems, genetic and cancerous changes, diagnostic tests, and treatments.


Download MEA2203 Case Study Assignment Module 06 Click for more options and read each of the patient scenarios. Then, use the lesson content from this module, your textbook, and perhaps additional research to answer the questions. Upload your completed document by following the instructions below.

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2023 The Discussion Section question is Add a comment pertaining to the effect of workload on coronary


The Discussion Section question is Add a comment pertaining to the effect of workload on coronary 2023 Assignment

The Discussion Section question is:  

Add a comment pertaining to the effect of workload on coronary blood flow. Please detail our potential to image the ratio of decrease blood flow for  diagnostic value. Add to to the DICUSSION PANNEL for this unit. 

Here some example for you :

1- The effect of workload on coronary blood flow and our potential to image the ratio of decrease blood flow for diagnostic value:

According to The Journal of the American Association, coronary blood flow is determined by the rate at which blood flows out of the coronary arteries to other parts of the body. For example, during rest, the amount of blood flows through the coronary arteries is 225 ml per minute which is 4-5% of total cardiac output. During stress, the blood flow is faster and the heart muscle contracts during systole. As a result, during diastole, the cardiac muscle relaxes to allow the flow of blood through the body without any resistance. One significant effect on coronary blood flow is the workload the heart is subjected to during stress. With an increase in stress rate, the heart reacts to pump blood in a faster rate to ensure oxygen is supplied to the rest of the body. When imaging, the vasodilator stress agents are helpful in decreasing the blood flow and relaxing the heart muscle. These pharmacological agents help when measuring the supply to the heart and viewing the heart’s workload.

2- The following is regarding the effect of workload on coronary blood flow and our potential to image the ratio of decrease blood flow for diagnostic value:

The heart is a very smart organ with very smart systems. An auto-regulatory mechanism known as coronary autoregulation is constantly maintaining the interaction of pressure and resistance of coronary blood flow. Decreases in pressure are compensated for by decreases in resistance and conversely, increases in pressure by increases in resistance so that flow remains constant for a give cardiac workload. This regulatory mechanism operates within the range of physiologic arterial pressures but fails during hypotension when flows become strongly dependent on the driving pressure.

For imaging purposes, pharmacological vasodilator stress agents seek to maximally lower the vascular resistance through relaxation of the vascular smooth muscle cell at the level of the microcirculation, thereby uncoupling coronary flow (supply) and myocardial work (demand). With the help of such pharmacological agents, imaging can take place in order for diagnostic purposes.


Schelbert H. R. (2010). Anatomy and physiology of coronary blood flow. Journal of nuclear cardiology : official publication of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, 17(4), 545–554. doi:10.1007/s12350-010-9255-x

3- The effect of workload on coronary blood flow and our potential to image the ratio of decrease blood flow for diagnostic value: 

Blood flow to the heart mainly occurs during diastole, the great majority of blood flow to the left ventricle occurs during diastole. The diastolic pressure from the aorta propels blood through the coronary circulation. The more coronary blood flow to the left ventricle means the longer time that diastole will last. The right ventricle receives blood equally during both systole and diastole. Diastole lasts for about two thirds of the cardiac cycle. The coronary arties through the myocardium are compressed during ventricular contraction when fibers are thickening and are unable to fill.  The pressure within the left ventricle offers resistance to this flow. Blockage of coronary arteries can reduce coronary blood flow at rest, resulting in a buildup of a clot, and also anything that causes arteries to constrict and not allow the vasodilatation to even improve coronary blood flow.

For imaging potential of decreased blood flow, pharmacological vasodilator stress agents can be utilized to cause a lower vascular resistance through relaxation of the smooth muscles of the heart during a nuclear stress test. This can lead to measuring the supply and demand of the heart, it is which these pharmacological stress agents that when can possibly use to help increase the potential to image the ratio of decreased blood flow for diagnostic reasons and value.

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2023 Reflection 3 Movie When the Levees Broke A Requiem in Four Acts Pages 3 to 4 Objective To relate the

Nursing 2023 Reflection #3

Reflection 3 Movie When the Levees Broke A Requiem in Four Acts Pages 3 to 4 Objective To relate the 2023 Assignment


Reflection #3 

Movie: When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts

Pages: 3 to 4


To relate the material in Chapter Four, “Perceiving and Believing” to the assigned film. Your paper (3-4 pages) will consist of three sections as follows. 

Introduction Paragraph (2 pts.)

Briefly summarize the film in five sentences or less.

Thinking (6 pts.)

What was the event that inspired the film

What caused the event

What was the response

How did different points of view include factual reports, inductive inferences, evaluative judgements

How do perceptions and beliefs of others influence awareness of our “lenses?”

Conclusion Paragraph (2 pts.)

Briefly explain how the text relates to the text in Chapter Four, “Perceiving and Believing.”

Attached in Word is Chapter 4.

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2023 Case Study Chapter 8 Overview of Genetics and Genomics in Nursing 1 A patient who is 38 years of age

Nursing 2023 cae study 8

Case Study Chapter 8 Overview of Genetics and Genomics in Nursing 1 A patient who is 38 years of age 2023 Assignment


Case Study, Chapter 8, Overview of Genetics and Genomics in Nursing

1. A patient who is 38 years of age is diagnosed with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, a hereditary disease that results in fluid-filled cysts occupying space in the kidneys. The cysts can interfere with the function of the kidney and may burst and cause bleeding inside the kidney. The patient with polycystic kidney disease may or may not have a berry aneurysm of a blood vessel in the brain that could lead to bleeding and death, cysts on the ovaries, and a mitral valve prolapse (in females) that can lead to dysrhythmias (irregular heart rhythms), or diverticula (outpouching of the bowel) that are susceptible to infection and inflammation and may lead to gastrointestinal bleeding. The patient is susceptible to retaining fluid in the abdomen so the abdomen is large to constipation, and to hypertension. There is no cure for the disease. The patient receives supportive care for the various symptoms or complications the patient may have. 

  1. When explaining to the patient and family about polycystic kidney disease, the nurse should explain what characteristics about an autosomal dominant genetic disease?
  2. How does variable expression of genetic characteristics play a role in the course of polycystic kidney disease and how can the nurse further predict the level of the disease?
  3. Identify the roles of the nurse in integrating genetics in the nursing care provided for the patient.

2. Mr. Wayne is a 38-year-old man with a significant family history of elevated cholesterol levels. His father died at age 42 from a massive heart attack secondary to elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, and two of his older siblings are currently taking medications to lower their cholesterol levels. Mr. Wayne makes an appointment to discuss his risk for hypercholesterolemia. The nurse recognizes that Mr. Wayne is at risk for familial hypercholesterolemia because this is an autosomal dominant inherited condition.

  1. Describe the pattern of autosomal dominant inheritance.
  2. Mr. Wayne asks what chance his children have of developing familial hypercholesterolemia. How should the nurse respond?
  3. Explain the phenomenon of penetrance observed in autosomal dominant inheritance.

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