2023 Prepare a 350 word draft of a clinical problem that you would like to use for your Research

Nursing 2023 Discussion Board Nursing Research

Prepare a 350 word draft of a clinical problem that you would like to use for your Research 2023 Assignment


Prepare a 350 word draft of a clinical problem that you would like to use for your Research project.There should be an introduction to the problem (as to why it is a problem) that is documented with literature, a clear problem statement (one declarative sentence that begins with “The problem is…”, and a purpose to your project. Post this as your Initial response. (Essential I-IX).

Discussion Rubric

Make sure you provide appropriate references (2-3) and utilize APA style. Each discussion will be allocated to a specific Master’s Essential.

note: added phase 2 of my research project. 

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2023 This is a Collaborative Learning Community CLC assignment As a group identify a research or evidence based article published within the

Nursing 2023 Evidence-Based Practice Project: Intervention Presentation On Diabetes

This is a Collaborative Learning Community CLC assignment As a group identify a research or evidence based article published within the 2023 Assignment

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

As a group, identify a research or evidence-based article published within the last 5 years that focuses comprehensively on a specific intervention or new treatment tool for the management of diabetes in adults or children. The article must be relevant to nursing practice.

Create a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation on the study’s findings and how they can be used by nurses as an intervention. Include speaker notes for each slide and additional slides for the title page and references.

Include the following:

  1. Describe the intervention or treatment tool and the specific patient population used in the study.
  2. Summarize the main idea of the research findings for a specific patient population. The research presented must include clinical findings that are current, thorough, and relevant to diabetes and nursing practice.
  3. Provide a descriptive and reflective discussion of how the new tool or intervention can be integrated into nursing practice. Provide evidence to support your discussion.
  4. Explain why psychological, cultural, and spiritual aspects are important to consider for a patient who has been diagnosed with diabetes. Describe how support can be offered in these respective areas as part of a plan of care for the patient. Provide examples.

You are required to cite to a minimum of two sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

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2023 Type of paper Essay Any Type Subject Medicine and Health Number of pages 3 Format of citation MLA Number

Nursing 2023 Order 975489: Why Vaccines are Important?

Type of paper Essay Any Type Subject Medicine and Health Number of pages 3 Format of citation MLA Number 2023 Assignment


  • Type of paper Essay (Any Type)
  • Subject Medicine and Health
  • Number of pages 3
  • Format of citation MLA
  • Number of cited resources  3
  • Type of service  Writing

More like a Persuasive essay on getting vaccines   Instead of saying ″Vaccines are important″ think of it as ″Be sure to vaccinate yourself and children″

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW 4 REFERENCES ZERO PLAGIARISM Insurance coding and billing is complex but it boils down

Nursing 2023 Evaluation And Management (E/M) And Management (E/M)

PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW 4 REFERENCES ZERO PLAGIARISM Insurance coding and billing is complex but it boils down 2023 Assignment




Insurance coding and billing is complex, but it boils down to how to accurately apply a code, or CPT (current procedural terminology), to the service that you provided. The payer then reimburses the service at a certain rate. As a provider, you will have to understand what codes to use and what documentation is necessary to support coding.

For this Assignment, you will review evaluation and management (E/M) documentation for a patient and perform a crosswalk of codes from DSM-5 to ICD-10. 

To Prepare

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources on coding, billing, reimbursement.
  • Review the E/M patient case scenario provided.
The Assignment
  • Assign DSM-5 and ICD-10 codes to services based upon the patient case scenario. 

Then, in 1–2 pages address the following. You may add your narrative answers to these questions to the bottom of the case scenario document and submit altogether as one document.

  • Explain what pertinent information, generally, is required in documentation to support DSM-5 and ICD-10 coding.
  • Explain what pertinent documentation is missing from the case scenario, and what other information would be helpful to narrow your coding and billing options.
  • Finally, explain how to improve documentation to support coding and billing for maximum reimbursement.   
By Day 7 of Week 2

Submit your Assignment. 

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK2Assgn1+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment 1 Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 2 Assignment 1 link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK2Assgn1+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:
Week 2 Assignment 1 Rubric

Assignment 2: Study Plan

Can you imagine an athlete deciding to run a marathon without training for the event? Most ambitious people who have set this goal will follow a specific training plan that will allow them to feel confident and prepared on the big day. Similarly, if you want to feel confident and prepared for your certification exam, you should create and follow a plan that will thoroughly prepare you for success.

In this Assignment, you will review the study plan that you developed in NRNP 6665, and revise your plan as necessary, which will serve as the road map for you to follow to attain your certification.

To Prepare
  • Reflect on the study plan you created in NRNP 6665. Did you accomplish your SMART goals? What areas of focus still present opportunities for growth?
The Assignment
  • Revise your study plan summarizing your current strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • Develop 3–4 new SMART goals for this quarter and the tasks you need to complete to accomplish each goal. Include a timetable for accomplishing them and a description of how you will measure your progress.
  • Describe resources you would use to accomplish your goals and tasks, such as ways to participate in a study group or review course, mnemonics and other mental strategies, and print or online resources you could use to study.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010 Many of the

Nursing 2023 policy and environmental issue

The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010 Many of the 2023 Assignment

The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama in March 2010. Many of the provisions of the law directly affect health care providers. Review the following topic materials:

  1. “About the Affordable Care Act”
  2. “Health Care Transformation: The Affordable Care Act and More”

What are the most important elements of the Affordable Care Act in relation to community and public health? What is the role of the nurse in implementing this law?

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2023 Week 4 Discussion Literary Movements Textbook Chapter 7 8 Minimum of 1 scholarly source

Nursing 2023 Week 4 Discussion: Literary Movements

Week 4 Discussion Literary Movements Textbook Chapter 7 8 Minimum of 1 scholarly source 2023 Assignment

Week 4 Discussion: Literary Movements

  • Textbook: Chapter 7, 8
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook – for historical/political influences)

Initial Post Instructions
Choose one of the literary movements that you read about this week and at least one work from that movement. Movements, authors, and famous works are discussed in the lesson as well. You do not have to choose authors or works discussed in the lesson, but you may. For your initial post, address one of the following:

Option 1: Examine the movement and specific work in relation to historical and political influences of the movement. Include a one paragraph summary of the plot before moving on to the examination of the work in relation to the movement.

Option 2: Examine a specific artwork influenced by a literary work and how the artist captured the subject or story. Here are a few examples, but you are not restricted to this list:

  • Asher B. Durand’s Thanatopsis (influenced by William Cullen Bryant’s “Thanatopsis”)
  • John William Waterhouse’s The Lady of Shalott (influenced by Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s “The Lady of Shalott”)
  • Sir John Everett Millais’s Ophelia (influenced by Shakespeare’s Ophelia from Hamlet)
  • Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s Apollo and Daphne or The Rape of Prosperina (influenced by ancient myths)
  • Ancient Greek vase painting (influenced by various ancient myths)

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Respond to one peer who chose an option different from yours. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Due Date for Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT Recommended by Wednesday
Due Date for Follow-Up Posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Saturday

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 2 Slides Only Pathophysiology Assignment 2 slides of power point only 1 U

Nursing 2023 Graves Disease

2 Slides Only Pathophysiology Assignment 2 slides of power point only 1 U 2023 Assignment

2 Slides Only

Pathophysiology Assignment-2 slides of power point only

1. U tube video link on power point2.

 2 Slides  power point. only.

3. Pictures and be creative

4. Please use Advanced pathophysiology

5. Power point samples attached

  1. Keep it simple and make sure that the content that your are covering demonstrates to me that you understand the impact of the pathophysiological process that you are trying to educate your ‘patient about”. As a Nurse Practitioner you will on a daily basis be explaining complex diseases for your patients and it is imperative that you educate the patient with the underlying cause, outcomes and impact on their lives using the foundation pathophysiology as your guide.

BEFORE SUBMITTING the make absolutely certain that your that your work contains:

  1. Some information of interest about the disorder could historical facts
  2. A description of the manifestations of the disorder with an explanation as to the cause of these manifestations (MAKE SURE THAT YOUR EXPLANATION OF THE CAUSE OF THE MANIFESTATIONS IS PRESENTED USING PATHO TO EXPLAIN WHY!!!).
  3. A description of the abnormal diagnostic testing with a discussion of the causes of the abnormal test results (MAKE SURE THAT THE CAUSES OF THE ABNORMAL DIAGNOSTIC TESTING IS PRESENTED USING PATHO TO EXPLAIN WHY!!!)

A discussion of the treatment plan and/alternative therapies with potential expectations of the treatment plan etc.

  1. A discussion of the specific information patients who have the selected disorder need to know (make sure this is evidence-based information where applicable)

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Evidence Based Practice Guideline Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of

Nursing 2023 Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence Based Practice Guideline Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of 2023 Assignment


Evidence-Based Practice Guideline

Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of the following points/questions. There is no required word count; be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question in detail. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Sources are not required; however, if sources are used make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay and complete a reference page. The cover page is required. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Utilize the databases identified in the text to locate an Evidence-Based Practice Guideline, related to your topic identified in Module 1. Perform a rapid critical appraisal of the Evidence-Based Guideline by answering the following questions in APA format. All questions should be answered in detail and explanations offered according to guideline content when applicable.

  • Who were the guideline developers?
  • Were the developers of the guideline representative of key stakeholders in this specialty (inter-disciplinary)?
  • Who funded the guideline development?  
  • Were any of the guideline developers funded researchers of the reviewed studies?
  • Did the team have a valid development strategy?
  • Was an explicit (how decisions were made), sensible, and impartial process used to identify, select, and combine evidence?
  • Did its developers carry out comprehensive, reproducible literature review within the past 12 months of its publication/revision?
  • Were all important options and outcomes considered?
  • Is each recommendation in the guideline tagged by the level/strength of evidence upon which it is based and linked to the scientific evidence?
  • Do the guidelines make explicit recommendations (reflecting value judgments about the outcomes)?
  • Has the guideline been subjected to peer review and testing?
  • Is the intent of use provided (i.e. national, regional, local)?
  • Are the recommendations clinically relevant?
  • Will the recommendations help me in caring for my patients?
  • Are the recommendations practical/feasible? Are resources (people and equipment) available?
  • Are the recommendations a major variation from current practice? Can the outcomes be measured through standard care?

Be sure to include the database from which the guideline was obtained and please submit a copy of the guideline with your paper.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 The purpose of this assignment is to be familiarized with health reform strategies

Nursing 2023 Strategies

The purpose of this assignment is to be familiarized with health reform strategies 2023 Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to be familiarized with health reform strategies adopted by states.  

Select a state health policy reform innovation and describe the rationale, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislature), the funding structure, and (to the extent statistical data are available) its impact. Summarize the findings in a 1-2 page, single-spaced memo.  

Sample memo attached.  A memo is required, see attached sample. 

A few examples of state innovations include Vermont’s single payer system, Massachusetts’ health reforms and Kentucky’s Medicaid healthcare program (none of these can be used). 

Assignment Grading Criteria 

 Rationale/Adoption                 30 points  

 Funding Structure                   30 points 

 Impact on Healthcare     30 points 

 APA (6th) Format                 10 points 



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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.



2023 Research signs and symptoms for your diagnosis pharmacological treatments nonpharmacological treatments and appropriate community resources and

Nursing 2023 Patient Education For Children And Adolescents

Research signs and symptoms for your diagnosis pharmacological treatments nonpharmacological treatments and appropriate community resources and 2023 Assignment

Research signs and symptoms for your diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, nonpharmacological treatments, and appropriate community  resources and referrals.

The Assignment

In a 300- to 500-word blog post written for a  patient and/or caregiver audience, explain signs and symptoms for your  diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, nonpharmacological treatments,  and appropriate community resources and referrals.

** Please review attachment for full assignment requirements. Thank you.

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We give our students 100% satisfaction with their assignments, which is one of the most important reasons students prefer us to other helpers. Our professional group and planners have more than ten years of rich experience. The only reason is that we have successfully helped more than 100000 students with their assignments on our inception days. Our expert group has more than 2200 professionals in different topics, and that is not all; we get more than 300 jobs every day more than 90% of the assignment get the conversion for payment.