Design a Research Survey Tool | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Design a Research Survey Tool | 2025 Custom Writing

InstructionsDesign a research survey tool that utilizes a quantitative design.Be sure your assignment will include the following parts:Introduction (3-4 pages)Describe the construct under examination. Explain why it is  important to examine it and the consequences of not doing so. Include a  minimum of three citations to relevant scholarly sources.Method (3 pages)Describe the participants, instrument, and procedure used to construct the instrument.Steps (3 pages)Assume a factor analysis has been completed and the instrument has  been developed, assess the reliability and validity. Discuss the steps  that you should take to assess the reliability and validity of the  instrument.Describe the steps that should be taken to avoid bias.Describe the steps that should be taken to ensure that ethical guidelines are followed.Issues (2 pages)Describe administration issues that you must overcome.Results (3 pages)Describe the types of analysis you would use and suggest what results likely would be seen.Discussion (2-3 pages)Evaluate the properties of the instrument, how you would revise or  improve it, and recommendations for further study of the instrument.Reference ListInclude at least 10 scholarly sources in your paper.AppendixInclude the actual measure in the appendix of the paper.Scholarly rationale for not including faculty feedback into your assignment (if applicable).Note: In this assignment, you will integrate your  faculty’s feedback from your Week 8 Assignment OR provide a scholarly  rationale for why you did not integrate it on a separate sheet of paper  to be included in the appendix of the Signature Assignment.Length: 16-18 pages (not including reference list or appendix)Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas  and concepts by providing new thoughts and  insights relating directly to the topic. Your response should reflect  scholarly writing and current APA standards.Feedback is attached!Due: March 22, 2019


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