Discussion 1: Traumatic Brain Injury-wk7-1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Discussion 1: Traumatic Brain Injury-wk7-1 | 2025 Custom Writing

For this week’s Discussion, review the resources and read the article “Soldiers Continue Recovery From ‘Invisible Wounds.’” Examine the short-term and long-term effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI). This article is a starting point for you to begin to gain knowledge about active duty military personnel and veterans experiencing TBI.Note: If this link is not operational, use the Internet to find a story of an active duty military personnel diagnosed with TBI and analyze the short-term and long-term effects of TBI.Post (2 to 3 pages) a description of one short-term and one long-term effect of TBI on an active duty military personnel or on a veteran. Explain one long-term societal effect of military personnel and veterans with TBI. Provide one recommendation for services (e.g., advocacy, awareness, or support) that you might make to help active duty military personnel with TBI. Select two articles from the Walden Library to support your response.Be sure to support your post with specific references to the resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.Required ReadingsDick, G. (2014). Social work practice with veterans. Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.Chapter 13, “The Signature Wound: Veterans and Traumatic Brain Injury” (pp. 205-226)Rubin, A., Weiss, E.L., & Coll, J.E. (2013). Handbook of military social work. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.Chapter 10, “Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and the Military” (pp. 163-178)Chapter 11, “TBI and Social Work Practice” (pp. 179-190)Adams, R. S., Corrigan, J. D., & Larson, M. J. (2012). Alcohol use after combat-acquired traumatic brain injury: What we know and don’t know. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 12(1), 28–51.U.S. Department of Defense. (2014). Traumatic brain injury. Retrieved from http://www.defense.gov/home/features/2012/0312_tbi/Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center. (2013). TBI & the military. Retrieved from http://www.dvbic.org/about/tbi-militarySanchez, E. (2013). Soldiers continue recovery from ‘invisible wounds.’ U.S. Department of State. Retrieved from http://www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=119593U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. (2009). Definitions. Retrieved from http://www.polytrauma.va.gov/definitions.aspU.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. (2011). Family & caregiver support. Retrieved from http://www.polytrauma.va.gov/support/index.aspU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2013b). VA polytrauma system of care. Retrieved from http://www.polytrauma.va.gov/system-of-care/index.aspZuj, D. V., Felmingham, K. L., Palmer, M. A., Lawrence-Wood, E., Van Hooff, M., Lawrence, A. J., & … McFarlane, A. C. (2017). Neural activity and emotional processing following military deployment: Effects of mild traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder. Brain And Cognition, 11819-26. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2017.07.001Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.


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