discussion question for PsycHOLOGY CLASS W3DQ1 | 2025
Psychology Assignment Custom Writng
discussion question for PsycHOLOGY CLASS W3DQ1 | 2025 Custom Writing
Strategic leadership involves understanding the organization, its customers, the marketplace, and the goals of the organization. It requires formulating strategies to align an organization with the external marketplace. Being a good strategic leader, especially during times of change, requires key skills such as communication, coaching, and conflict management skills. For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources and the case study “Nike—CEO Mark Parker and His Executive Team Impress Shareholders and Analysts”evaluation of how Mark Parker performed as a strategic leader in his role with Nike. What evidence is there that indicates that Mark Parker and Nike understand the impact of environmental sustainability on their business practices? Next, provide evidence based on the case study that shows that Mark Parker has developed strategies that enhance value to Nike’s customers, that create synergistic opportunities, and that build on Nike’s core competencies. Include in your response your assessment of how contemporary theories of leadership apply to Nike. Make sure to provide a rational for your response.mUST BE MINIMUM 250 WORDS — REFERENCE FROM SCHOLARLY SOURCES ONLY+++ ORIGINAL WORK ++MUST PASS PLAGRISM TEST
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