Essay revision | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Essay revision | 2025 Custom Writing

Please review attached essay on the biological basis of Bell’s is the original assignment requirements please ensure it meets them please.The purpose of this assignment is to complete a paper that will:Identify the biological basis of a disease or disorder of the nervous system (This could be at the level of neurotransmitters, hormones, cells, brain structures or another aspect of the nervous system.)Summarize current research to better understand the role of the nervous system in the disease/disorderThe final paper should showcase your best work in synthesizing and applying information about the biological basis of behavior, as well as your writing skills. An example paper from a UMGC student is available to provide a strong example of this assignment (see the attachment below).Please complete the following this week:After re-reading your research summaries and feedback, write an introduction to your final paper that will introduce your reader to research the topic, and preview the types of research summaries you will include. You may also want to use additional sources to cite important statistics about the disease/disorder or describe important symptoms or treatments that may be relevant.Revise your research summaries by re-reading to correct any confusing sections, typos, mistakes or omissions. Integrate any feedback you received. Add transition sentences to guide your reader through the summaries.Write a conclusion that summarize the main points of your paper. Then, interpret the research you read as a whole. Possible things to consider in your conclusion: What main themes emerged? What differences/discrepancies/controversies emerged? What gaps still exist in the research (what is still unknown about the biological basis)? What new discoveries have been made?After you have completed your paper, write an abstract. The abstract should be a mini-preview of the upcoming paper. A basic format for an abstract could include a sentence (or two) introducing the topic, a sentence summarizing the kinds of research the reader will encounter in your paper, and a sentence (or two) about the conclusion of the paper. (You’ll want to have your paper fairly complete before writing your abstract. Once the paper is complete or close to complete, it will be a lot easier to pull out these key pieces of information and assemble the abstract.)Use APA format for your writing. This assignment should be approximately 6 pages long (not including a cover page and references page) in APA format (12 point font, double-spaced, 1″ margins). Additional information about APA format is available HERE. An MSWord document that is pre-formatted to APA format is available for you to use (see the attachment below).  Please use this template to help ensure that most elements of APA format will be already included in your assignment, making it a lot easier to produce a high-quality, professionally formatted assignment. 🙂


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