Exam | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Exam | 2025 Custom Writing

Using and citing knowledge gained from your textbook, assigned readings, and class discussions (including multimedia), please provide the best response for each of the following questions.This exam is worth 100 points. Each question is worth 10 points. Make sure your response to each question represents the full depth of information. All exams must be submitted via Blackboard by Sunday, October 11th at 11:30pm. Late exams will not be accepted or graded.Please adhere to the following guidelines in your preparation for submission. Failure to meet these guidelines will result in point deductions. Any plagiarism will result in a “0” grade on the exam.• You may use the textbook and notes for this exam.• You MAY NOT plagiarize, copying and pasting from any book, document, speech, etc., and passing off that information as your own. To ensure you do not plagiarize, please take a lookhereandhere (Links to an external site.). Plagiarism will result in a grade of “0” on the exam.• You may include direct quotes (indicated by quotation marks) no more than 5 times throughout the entire exam.• No single direct quote can be over 40 words. • Essay questions must be a minimum of two paragraphs (minimum of 5 sentences each).• Each essay question should cite the source of your information in APA format. For information on APA format, please visit the PurdueOWL (Links to an external site.). 1. What is Communication? What is theory? What does theory do? 2. Of the three models of communication discussed in Module 1, which do you feel does the best job of capturing the essence of the communication process? In your answer, be sure to briefly explain the model you have chosen and use specific examples to support your position3. Differentiate between the positivistic, interpretive, and critical approaches to conducting research. Identify the paradigm that you think best describes your approach to research. Explain why you chose this approach.4. Discuss the potential for intercultural influences on Social Penetration Theory. Do you think culture is a variable that has the potential to influence this theory? Why or why not?5. Address the issue of culture as it relates to Expectancy Violations Theory (EVT). What role do cultural variables play in this theory? Does EVT do a sufficient job of addressing these variables? Why or why not?6. What is relational dialectics? What are the three primary contradictions of the theory? What are the relational ideals? Provide an example of the ideals as it pertains to your family and friend relationships?7. Explain how politics can influence each of the communication contexts.8. In what ways are ethics and communication related to each other? In your answer, be sure to provide examples to support your explanation.9. Explain three of the five assumptions about Uncertainty Reduction Theory that are presented by the authors.10. What kind of research would you conduct to learn more about the coordinated management of meaning in a particular context? Propose a hypothesis or research question, anddescribe your study.


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