HN522 Unit 2 Assignment | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

HN522 Unit 2 Assignment | 2025 Custom Writing

Community Education and AdvocacyCommunity education and advocacy are both important components of the  work that human service professionals do with children and their  families. Both types of interventions play important roles in working  with this population. For this assignment, you have the opportunity to  choose a social issue that impacts children and their families and  discuss the influence of both advocacy and community education on the  issue that you identify.Assignment DirectionsPlease be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:Identify a social issue that impacts children and their families,  and provide some background about the issue (who is impacted, how many  people, and so forth).Some examples of social issues that you could choose include, but  are not limited to, child abuse and neglect, teenage pregnancy, and  homelessness.Analyze two different ways that a human service professional could advocate for the social issue you discussed.Define community education and examine how a human service  professional would utilize community education as a strategy for the  social issue chosen. Specifically, examine what methods you might  utilize to provide community education about the topic selected.Some examples include workshops, newspaper, media, etc.Analyze the effectiveness of advocacy and community education for  the social issue that you discussed. In your answer, be certain to  indicate if you think advocacy or community education is more effective  for the social issue. If you think they are both effective, be sure to  indicate how and why.Identify an organization that provides advocacy for the social issue  you have discussed and an organization that provides community  education related to the issue. In your answer, be certain to examine  whether or not you think the organizations are effective and if you  would change or add anything related to their advocacy or education  services.3- to 4-page expository essay, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using  proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be  correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of advocacy for children and  families.Reference page: Sources listed in APA format.Include a minimum of four scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions. One of these references should be your text.Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.Use current APA formatting and citation style.***ANSWER EACH BULLETIN POINT***


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