Interview an Licensed Professional Counselor | 2025
Psychology Assignment Custom Writng
Interview an Licensed Professional Counselor | 2025 Custom Writing
Interview a practicing counselor and provide a written transcript per syllabus. The following questions will be useful in conducting the interview. The report must be typed, double-spaced APA Style 3-4 pages, including cover page and should include a discussion of the role of the counselor you interviewed within his/her work setting. Specifically, state your personal reaction to the interview. The person you interview must have a, LPC. related to the responses provided by the LPCHow long have you been a counselor?Describe your training and degrees.What is your job title?Describe your duties and your work environment.In your experience, does a counselor have a unique role working in a multidisciplinary team?How do you communicate effectively with other professionals at your workplace? How about with other agencies or schools?What is a typical day like?What do you like best about your job? Least?Describe the core of your philosophy how to help people.What theorists, writers or researchers have influenced you most?If you had your career to do over again, what (if anything) would you do differently?What advice would you have for those who are preparing to enter the helping profession?I
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