Mental Disorder Project | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Mental Disorder Project | 2025 Custom Writing

PART I:Choose the video (they are ~50 min) that goes along with your disorder from the following website and write a summary of it.Include information from the ENTIRE video (meaning make sure to prove that you watched the entire video). Make sure to include the name of the video you watched. (You may also include personal opinions on video)The world of abnormal psychology: (Links to an external site.)PART II:Choose any disorder you want from the book and answer the following questions:What are the various names of the disorder you chose? How long has it been recognized as a disorder?What type of disorder is it? (neurosis, psychosis, or a personality disorder)What are the symptoms of the disorder?What other disorders or conditions could it be confused with?What are the known or potential causes?BE SURE TO EXPLAIN YOUR DISORDER AS ACCORDING TO ALL 4 APPROACHES:Biological, Psychodynamic, Behavioral/Learning, and CognitiveExample: Psychodynamic would say someone is depressed mainly from their childhood experiences and conflicting inner forcesWho tends to acquire this disorder?What are the treatments or cures?Other interesting facts?However you would like to organize this project is up to you; however please make sure all of the information is covered.Some ideas: I have seen students create flyers, handouts, power points. Please make sure you use only Microsoft Word or Power Point.


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