PSY 4500/ Week 8 – Assignment: Notebook, Timeline, and Career Assessment | 2025
Psychology Assignment Custom Writng
PSY 4500/ Week 8 – Assignment: Notebook, Timeline, and Career Assessment | 2025 Custom Writing
Your Signature Assignment, drawn from your assignments and warm-up activities throughout the course, has three parts. You will submit all three parts compiled into one document for your instructor’s review.Part 1: History of Psychology NotebookPart 1 of the Signature Assignment focuses on your analyses of the experiments in the texts. Of the several experiments that you will read about weekly, you focused on two for each assignment. You will now compile your analyses of those experiments into your own History of Psychology Notebook. In addition to the analyses of your articles, add the following to your History of Psychology Notebook:Briefly answer (two to three paragraphs each):Which of the experiments you studied was most personally meaningful, and why?Which of the experiments that you studied do you think had the most impact on the science of psychology?Which of the experiments that you studied do you think had the most impact for individual mental health or society?Include a reference list citing the original research studies you analyzed, as well as any other research you referred to in your History of Psychology Notebook.As this is an electronic notebook, you can enhance it with any pictures, images, graphics, or even audios that you want.Length 18-20 pages (3 pages already completed in each week’s assignment, and one page for the reflectionPart 2: Timeline of the History of PsychologyEach week, you noted an important psychological experiment along a History of Psychology Timeline, along with at least one social or historical event that took place during that time. Now, based on your readings of the past and current research in psychology, make your own predictions about the future of psychology. For the years 2020, 2025, and 2030, imagine what you think will be the most important psychological finding of that time. Mark that on the timeline. Then for each of those years, mark a social, cultural, or technological change that you think will form the context for those experiments or discoveries.Length: One timeline page, beginning with the earliest experiment you analyzed and continuing until the year 2030Part 3: Careers and Education in PsychologyReview your list of careers and education in psychology. Based on your study of the careers available in each area of psychology, as well as any non-psychology careers you may have identified that are appropriate choices for psychology majors, choose three possible career or academic choices. Explain the following:• Why do you think this career would be appropriate for you?• Do you need any additional training or education to qualify?• What kind of resources or lifestyle changes will be required to meet this goal?• What steps can you identify now that might help you achieve your goals?Length: 1 – 1.5 pagesRemember you will submit all three parts in one document. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to the topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be careful to adhere to Northcentral’s Academic Integrity Policy.
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