Psychology-Suicide | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Psychology-Suicide | 2025 Custom Writing

In this week, you will complete an annotated bibliography for a position paper related to mood disorders that you will complete in Week 5.An annotated bibliography is a brief summary and analysis of a journal article. For this assignment, you must provide an annotated bibliography of at least six peer-reviewed academic journal articles describing research related to your chosen topic. The articles do not need to be empirical studies but are required to be primary sources. Each article must have been published within the past five years.For more information on the required format of the bibliography, review an annotated bibliography template. The annotated bibliography will be used as a part of the literature review for your course project due in Week 5.Tasks:Choose any one of the following topics for your position paper and create an annotated bibliography for your topic:Suicide: Prevention, intervention, and the relationship with  mood disordersLocate at least six peer-reviewed academic journal articles on your chosen topic from the South University Online Library. Please make sure that the articles are not more than five to six years old. To find more information on how to use the South University Online Library to access scholarly journal articles, click on Library Guide. What cannot be used for articles are web sources (other than the library), Wikipedia, textbooks, and other books. For the analysis portion of the article, it is expected that you will use sources like the text or other reliable sources to support your analysis. Those references will be listed in the reference section.Submission Details:In a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document, assemble the annotated bibliography and address the following:Write a 2-paragraph summary for each article.Write a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article focusing on how it supports your chosen topic.Integrate what you learned in your course readings in that analysis.Use APA format, including:Title pageDouble spaceReference pageApply APA standards to the citation of sources, including the use of in-text citations and full references.


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