Sleep journal and reflection report | 2025
Psychology Assignment Custom Writng
Sleep journal and reflection report | 2025 Custom Writing
Assignment InstructionsSleep Journal and Reflection ProjectThe meaning, origin, and analysis of dreams have fascinated psychologists since the inception of the field of psychology. Sigmund Freud, often referred to as the father of psychology, focused a great deal of his theoretical energy on trying to understand and interpret dreams.Contemporary psychologists are beginning to recognize the interconnectivity of human physiology and psychology in a way not previously understood. This is in part because of new interest in holistic health and in part because of brain/body connections we are now able to see and understand for the first time due to enhanced technology. Yoga, mindfulness, healthy eating, meditation, holistic health – all of these practices are gaining more traction in mainstream society and among psychological circles as we recognize how the mind and body work together. In light of this growing area of interest in psychology, for this assignment you will maintain a sleep/dream journal during weeks 3 and 4, and complete an analysis and reflection on your experience in a summary reflection paper in week 5.Specifically, for this assignment you will:Keep a sleep/dream journal for at least 10 days throughout Weeks 3 and 4. In your journal make note of:any dreams you hadany initial thoughts about the dream – events of the day that may relate, etc.your general sleep schedule (if you have a tracker such as fitbit, include data on your sleep patterns as well – wakefulness, restlessness, times asleep/awake per night, total sleep, etc.)your general eating habits by dayyour general exercise habits by dayanything else of note in your psychological or physical health (stress, excitement, changes, etc.)You may use any format you wish to record the data (notepad, computer, hardcopy spreadsheet, etc.).Complete a 3-4 page reflection (not counting title or reference pages) in which you analyze the results of your sleep/dream journal. Consider how your psychological and physical health interacted. What patterns did you see? Discuss the impact that various factors such as fatigue, diet, stress and exercise had on your dreams and sleep patterns. Explain how this insight may impact your behaviors in the future to lead to better psychological and physical health.Utilize at least 2 academic resources (your course readings can comprise one of the sources) to support your analysis and discussion.Assignment Deadline: 11:55pm Eastern Time Sunday at the end of Week 5 of the course term. Submission should include:Title page in APA formatReflection minimum 3 pages, double spacedReference page in APA formatIf desired (this is optional), a copy of the original data/journalWeek 5 Assignment: Sleep Journal and Reflection Paper RubricComponentExcellentSatisfactoryNeeds ImprovementUnsatisfactoryPoints EarnedAnalysis of how physical and psychological health interact, particularly in relation to sleep and dreams. 50 Points PossibleStudent provides insightful, detailed analysis of how physical and psychological health interact in relation to sleep and dreams.Student provides an analysis of how physical and psychological health interact in relation to sleep and dreams.Student partially completed an analysis physical and psychological health interact in relation to sleep and dreams. Analysis lacks depth.Student did not complete an analysis physical and psychological health interact in relation to sleep and dreams.Examples and data to support analysis and conclusions. 50 Points PossibleStudent provides detailed, thorough, and varied data and examples to support analysis and conclusions.Student provides adequate data and examples to support analysis and conclusions.Student provides some data and examples to support analysis and conclusions. Sufficient details and supporting evidence are lacking.Student does not provide data or examples to support analysis and conclusions.Describes how the information gleaned from the analysis will or will not impact future behaviors and awareness. 50 Points PossibleStudent provides an insightful discussion of how the information gleaned will impact future behaviors.Student provides a discussion of how the information gleaned will impact future behaviors.Student provides a marginal discussion of how the information gleaned will impact future behaviors.Student does not provide a discussion of how the information gleaned will impact future behaviors.Incorporates at least two academic resources. 40 Points PossibleStudent effectively concepts and theory from at least two academic resources.Student incorporates concepts and theory from at least two academic sources.Student incorporates concepts and theory from at least one academic source.Student does not incorporate concepts or theory from any academic sources.Formatting/Writing 10 Points PossibleWork is presented in a logical and coherent way. Writing is clear, articulate, and error free. Citations are composed in proper format with few or no errors.Work is grammatically sound with a few minor errors. Citations are composed in the proper format with some errors.Work contains frequent grammatical errors. Citations are inaccurate or improperly formatted.Work does not demonstrate appropriate undergraduate level writing.
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