Theoretical Literature Review Topic | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Theoretical Literature Review Topic | 2025 Custom Writing

This literature review requires students to pick a psychological theory that explains human behavior, cognitive processes, or neurological components in terms of thanatology (topic must be approved by instructor). Ultimately, the goal of this literature review is to answer two questions:What is the evidence that supports this theory?What are the future directions of this theory?The paper needs to be written in APA format, 12 point-font, Times New Roman, Double Spaced, and be at least 5 pages. Additionally, students will be required to provide at least one source explaining the theory and five additional peer-reviewed, psychological studies that support or contradict the theory. At least one source must be within the past 10 years.* Make sure that when you write your paper, that death is the primary focus.How the literature review will be graded:Instructor approval (50 points)Proficiency with APA format (100 points)Final Paper (200 points)Revise and Resubmit (up to 100 additional points)


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