Week 4: Special Populations in the Military wk4 6212 | 2025
Psychology Assignment Custom Writng
Week 4: Special Populations in the Military wk4 6212 | 2025 Custom Writing
Discussion: A Full Range of ClientsHow do social workers practice within diverse populations, such as those including single parents and the LGBTQ community (as were noted in the readings this week) in the military? Programs do exist within the military to help address the unique needs of such populations. However, you may find that new programs could further address the needs of marginalized groups. In this Discussion, you respond to an issue presented in your reading and develop an effective program to confront that issue.To prepare for this Discussion, read the articles listed in this week’s Learning Resources. Then, choose a population addressed in one of the articles on which to focus.Post (2 to 3 PAGES)Describe a program you would create to address the needs of a diverse population on which you have chosen to focus.Required ReadingsBurk, J., & Espinoza, E. (2012). Race relations within the US military. Annual Review of Sociology, 38, 401–422. doi:10.1146/annurev-soc-071811-14550Johnson, W. B., Rosenstein, J. E., Buhrke, R. A., & Haldeman, D. C. (2015). After “Don’t ask don’t tell”: Competent care of lesbian, gay and bisexual military personnel during the DoD policy transition. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 46(2), 107–115. doi:10.1037/a0033051Blanchard, S. E. (2012). Are the needs of single parents serving in the Air Force being met? Advances in Social Work, 13(1), 83–97. Retrieved from https://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/advancesinsocialworkMattocks, K. M., Haskell, S. G., Krebs, E. E., Justice, A. C., Yano, E. M., & Brandt, C. (2012). Women at war: Understanding how women veterans cope with combat and military sexual trauma. Social Science & Medicine,74(4), 537–545. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.10.039
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