Wk 5, HCS 430: DR 1 | 2025

Psychology Assignment Custom Writng

Wk 5, HCS 430: DR 1 | 2025 Custom Writing

Substantive response. Please further discussionAPA format175 word minimumAt least 2 referencesRespond to the following:Nola Trimble6:43 AMTechnology in the health care industry does have it’s perks however this can also be risky as well. On the negative side technology, although it does amazing things for us, does glitch. These glitches can sometimes causes us to lose information that is important and needed which can become a big hindrance when we have to go and reinput this information into our systems. These glitches can also slow us down which is the opposite of why we use technology in the first place, not to mention the risk of someone acquiring the capability of hacking into the system leaving us in the window of HIPAA violations. On the other hand, what technology does for us as a whole is amazing! Allowing us to be able to reach out to people across the globe and have complete consultations, storing information with the ability to share this information with our patients for easier communication, sharing it with billing departments for easier access to billing and coding without having to hand deliver each chart. Technology gives us the ability to research symptoms right there with the patient for faster diagnoses. I have had experience with technology as I work in billing and coding, having access to records the next day helps us send out claims at a much faster time and closing that timely filing window, like I mentioned it has it’s ups and downs but I would much rather deal with the latter than to have to go back to not being able to use it at all.


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